Pokémon Altered Platinum - Sinnohan Forms, Increased Difficulty, and more! (2025)

Long time no see!
Implemented any fixes I did but forgot to write about since last update
Fixed Corsola incorrectly having its original first ability, Hustle, instead of Solid Rock
Fixed Cranidos/Rampardos learning Screech instead of Dragon Dance at 30/31, as was intended

Fixed an error where Mars's Magnezone has an incorrect moveset during the Lake Verity battle.
Fixed both Galactic Grunts on Mt. Coronet 6F having a Forretress when only one was intended to. Now the one with the Ariados has the Forretress, and the one with the Golbat has a Yanmega.

Fixed a minor error in the documentation where Mars's team was one level higher than ingame.
Fixed Ace Trainer Olivia's documentation showing her with a Gardevoir instead of a Sinnohan Altaria.
Fixed the rightmost clerk on 1F of the Veilstone Department Store not selling Max Elixirs instead of Potions, as intended.
Fixed Double Team Zac & Jen's Ampharos having a moveset meant for vanilla Ampharos.
Miscellaneous NPC dialogue fixes and changes.
Removed incorrect text from MoveChanges.txt indicating that Sucker Punch had been buffed from 70 BP to 80 BP.

All setup moves now have far less PP.
Moves which boost stats by more than one stage total (eg. Swords Dance, Calm Mind) now have 1 PP.
Moves which boost stats by only one stage total (eg. Howl) now have 2 PP.
Double Team now has 1 PP, and raises user's Speed sharply instead of raising Evasiveness.

This was done because setup moves are extremely abusable against the AI.
Moves with a base PP of 1 cannot have their max PP raised by any means.

Updated Buizel and Floatzel's shiny sprites to be less ugly.

Crobat's stats have changed.
Old 85 HP / 95 Atk / 80 Def / 85 SAtk / 80 SDef / 130 Spd / 555 BST
New 95 HP / 90 Atk / 80 Def / 80 SAtk / 80 SDef / 130 Spd / 555 BST

Golbat and Crobat's abilities have been changed.
Old Limber / Unburden
New Intimidate / Adaptability

Been using a Crobat in my latest playthrough, and it tends to struggle a bit in the low-bulk environment of an EVless game.
Thus, Crobat got a tiny bit bulkier, and it now has access to two phenomenal Abilities which allow it to specialize for
defense or offense.

Kricketot's stats have changed.
Base Stats :
Old 37 HP / 25 Atk / 41 Def / 75 SAtk / 41 SDef / 25 Spd / 244 BST
New 37 HP / 55 Atk / 41 Def / 55 SAtk / 41 SDef / 55 Spd / 284 BST
Kricketot's stats were actually bugged and were lower than listed.

Kricketune's stats have changed.
Base Stats :
Old 70 HP / 55 Atk / 70 Def / 130 SAtk / 70 SDef / 105 Spd / 500 BST
New 70 HP / 65 Atk / 70 Def / 130 SAtk / 70 SDef / 105 Spd / 510 BST

Without EVs, Huge Power and Pure Power are roughly 25% worse than they're supposed to be.
So most Pokemon with these abilities have been changed to compensate.

As an example, assuming no EVs, a neutral nature, and 31 IVs, a base Attack of 150 gets you a final Attack
stat of 336. With 50 Base Attack and Huge Power, you get 272, which is 23.5% worse.
However, with 252 EVs in both stats, you get 399 for the 150 base Attack Pokemon, and 398 for the Huge Power Pokemon.

Meganium's stats have changed.
Old 100 HP / 52 Atk / 100 Def / 103 SAtk / 110 SDef / 80 Spd / 545 BST
New 100 HP / 62 Atk / 100 Def / 103 SAtk / 100 SDef / 80 Spd / 545 BST

Marill's stats have changed.
Old 70 HP / 20 Atk / 50 Def / 40 SAtk / 50 SDef / 40 Spd / 270 BST
New 70 HP / 24 Atk / 50 Def / 40 SAtk / 50 SDef / 40 Spd / 274 BST

Azumarill's stats have changed.
Old 100 HP / 50 Atk / 80 Def / 90 SAtk / 80 SDef / 50 Spd / 450 BST
New 100 HP / 62 Atk / 80 Def / 90 SAtk / 80 SDef / 50 Spd / 462 BST

Girafarig's stats have changed.
Old 70 HP / 55 Atk / 65 Def / 135 SAtk / 65 SDef / 115 Spd / 505 BST
New 70 HP / 60 Atk / 65 Def / 135 SAtk / 65 SDef / 115 Spd / 510 BST

Pachirisu's stats have changed.
Old 70 HP / 40 Atk / 70 Def / 125 SAtk / 90 SDef / 115 Spd / 510 BST
New 70 HP / 55 Atk / 70 Def / 125 SAtk / 90 SDef / 115 Spd / 525 BST

Fixed TrainerPokemon.txt showing incorrect Pokemon for Bertha's rematch team.

Changed Meteor Dive's animation. Now uses the same animation as Turn 2 of Sky Attack,
to separate it from Brave Bird.

Added Esper Wing, Wave Crash, and Headlong Rush to the game, replacing Mud Sport, Water Sport,
and Camouflage respectively.
Pokemon that learned these moves originally have had their level-up sets modified.
Here's a list: Krabby, Wooper, Quagsire, Swinub, Piloswine, Mamoswine, Mudkip, Zigzagoon, Linoone,
Barboach, Whiscash, Relicanth, Psyduck, Golduck, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Lombre, Ludicolo,
Surskit, Masquerain, Latias, Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon, Buizel, Floatzel, Phione, Manaphy, Togepi-S,
Staryu, Starmie, Kecleon, Mothim

Of these Pokemon, some have been given access to egg moves or new moves.
Swinub, Piloswine, Mamoswine: Curse
Zigzagoon, Linoone: Trick
Barboach, Whiscash: Dragon Dance (now learned at level 1)
Shellos, Gastrodon: Curse
Psyduck, Golduck: Encore
Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath: Encore
Lombre, Ludicolo: Synthesis
Surskit, Masquerain: Foresight
Latias: Protect
Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon: Aqua Ring
Buizel, Floatzel: Fury Swipes
Phione, Manaphy: Mud-Slap
Togepi-S: Lucky Chant
Staryu, Starmie: Mimic
Kecleon: Encore (!!)
Mothim: Leech Life (!!)

Pokemon that learn Esper Wing: Natu(37), Xatu(42), Noctowl-S(1)
Pokemon that learn Wave Crash: Poliwrath(1), Dewgong(1), Shellder(37), Cloyster(48), Gyarados(1/44),
Kabutops(1), Whiscash(1), Huntail(1), Buizel(34), Floatzel(37), Togetic-S(31), Togekiss-S(34)
Pokemon that learn Headlong Rush: Dugtrio(1), Primeape(1), Tauros(1), Heracross(1), Teddiursa(42),
Ursaring(43), Piloswine(47), Mamoswine(47), Glalie(1), Torterra(39), Rampardos(1), Regigigas(54)

Esper Wing
Effect: +1 Priority, High Critical Ratio
Accuracy: 90% >> 100%

Wave Crash
Power: 75 >> 120
PP: 10 >> 15
Effect: 1/3 Recoil

Headlong Rush
Power: 100 >> 120
Effect: Lower own Defense and Special Defense

Added Sekai Slam to the game, replacing Vital Throw.
List of Vital Throw replacements:
Machop/Machoke/Machamp(23): Vital Throw >> Counter
Pinsir(27): Vital Throw >> U-turn (!!)
Makuhita/Hariyama(17): Vital Throw >> Low Kick

Sekai Slam
Type: Dragon
Class: Physical, 1 Target
Power: 90
PP: 10
Accuracy: 100
Effect: 50% chance to raise user's Defense 1 stage.
Description: With its tough apple-like belly, the user tackles the target. It may also raise the user's Defense.

Sinnohan Togepi, Togetic and Togekiss's types have changed.
Old Grass/Water
New Grass(Togepi), Grass/Dragon

Sinnohan Togetic and Togekiss's abilities have been changed.
Old No Guard/Water Veil
New Thick Fat/Serene Grace

Sinnohan Togetic and Togekiss can now learn Draco Meteor by tutor.

Sinnohan Togekiss's stats have changed.
Old 85 HP / 120 Atk / 125 Def / 50 SAtk / 85 SDef / 80 Spd / 545 BST
New 85 HP / 120 Atk / 125 Def / 50 SAtk / 90 SDef / 80 Spd / 550 BST

Sinnohan Togekiss's level-up moves have changed.
11 >> 1 - Yawn >> Dragon Rush
43 - Dragon Rush >> Sekai Slam

I was never quite satisfied with the change in this line's typing.
It made it more competitive, but it also didn't seem particularly fitting.
This time, I've resolved to fix this with a different approach.
Togekiss-S now has Sekai Slam, a Dragon-type signature move with a 50% chance to raise its Defense.
If it chooses Thick Fat, it gains a Fire resist and its Ice weakness becomes 2x instead of 4x.
However, if it picks Serene Grace, among other secondary effects being boosted, Togekiss-S
now gains 1 stage of Defense every time it uses Sekai Slam.
These changes should help it last longer, and allow it to set up Dragon Dance more reliably.

Looking for feedback on these changes! If it's still not good enough,
making Togekiss-S a pseudolegendary is on the table.

Persian's level-up moves have changed.
1 - Assist >> Hyper Voice (!!)

Golem's stats have changed.
Old 80 HP / 120 Atk / 130 Def / 55 SAtk / 75 SDef / 45 Spd / 505 BST
New 80 HP / 120 Atk / 130 Def / 45 SAtk / 75 SDef / 65 Spd / 515 BST

Golem's level-up moves have changed.
36 - Dragon Claw >> Dragon Rush (!!)

Gyarados's stats have changed.
Old 95 HP / 125 Atk / 79 Def / 60 SAtk / 100 SDef / 81 Spd / 540 BST
New 105 HP / 125 Atk / 80 Def / 45 SAtk / 100 SDef / 85 Spd / 540 BST

Gyarados's level-up moves have changed.
1 - Bind >> Meteor Dive (!!)

Normally I wouldn't consider buffing THE ALMIGHTY GYARADOS... But with all the changes I've made so far,
it was starting to look just a tad behind the curve, so I spruced it up a little.

Wormadam's abilities have been changed.
Old(All) Battle Armor / Anticipation
New(Plant Cloak) Chlorophyll / Unaware
New(Sandy Cloak) Mold Breaker / Dry Skin
New(Trash Cloak) Heatproof / Battle Armor

Wormadam's stats have changed.

Base Stats (Plant Cloak) :
Old 60 HP / 50 Atk / 90 Def / 110 SAtk / 110 SDef / 30 Spd / 450 BST
New 70 HP / 50 Atk / 90 Def / 120 SAtk / 110 SDef / 60 Spd / 500 BST

Base Stats (Sandy Cloak) :
Old 60 HP / 50 Atk / 110 Def / 110 SAtk / 90 SDef / 30 Spd / 450 BST
New 70 HP / 50 Atk / 120 Def / 110 SAtk / 90 SDef / 60 Spd / 500 BST

Base Stats (Trash Cloak) :
Old 60 HP / 50 Atk / 100 Def / 110 SAtk / 100 SDef / 30 Spd / 450 BST
New 70 HP / 50 Atk / 110 Def / 100 SAtk / 110 SDef / 60 Spd / 500 BST

Wormadam's level-up moves have changed.
1 - Sucker Punch >> Iron Defense (!!)
1 - Tackle >> Recover (!!)
1 - Bug Bite >> Amnesia (!!)
(Plant Cloak)
1 - Leaf Storm >> Heat Wave (!!)
1 - Hidden Power >> Leaf Storm
50 - Leaf Storm >> Heat Wave (!!)
(Sandy Cloak)
1 - Earthquake >> Power Gem (!!)
1 - Hidden Power >> Spikes (!!)
50 - Earthquake >> Power Gem (!!)
(Trash Cloak)
1 - Iron Head >> Sludge Bomb (!!)
1 - Metal Burst >> Toxic Spikes (!!)
1 - Hidden Power >> Earth Power (!!)
50 - Iron Head >> Sludge Bomb (!!)

Wormadam(Trash Cloak) is now compatible with TM36, Sludge Bomb.

Wormadam was in dire need of a glow-up, especially with Mothim being this awesome mixed sweeper.
I suspect it'll be a lot more usable now, regardless of the form you choose.
The worst one is probably Plant Cloak, though with its concept I couldn't really justify a type change.
Still, it would most likely work quite well on a sun team, especially with access to Heat Wave.
Definitely not much of a tank, though.
You might be able to get away with using it with Sunny Day, too.

Buizel and Floatzel's abilities have been changed.
Old Technician / Water Veil
New Reckless / Water Veil

Floatzel is now compatible with TM80, Rock Slide.

These stat changes synergize with their new access to Wave Crash.

Dragon Claw was changed.
Power: 80 >> 90
Effect: No Effect >> High Critical Ratio

Fixed the Evolution Changes document not having the correct methods listed for Sinnohan Forms,
and added an (S) to indicate them as well.
Fixed Ty and Sue, Scientist Shaun, and Bird Keeper Brianna having the wrong Pokemon.

Inspired by Blaze Black 2 / Volt White 2 Redux, a list of optional level caps has been added to TrainerPokemon.txt,
and included in its own file, LevelCaps.txt.

Sinnohan Scizor has been added to the game!
Instead of evolving into regular Scizor, Sinnohan Scyther now becomes a
Steel/Ice type. Though quad-weak to Fighting and Fire, these are its only
weaknesses- and this typing has opened up some new options for it.

See SinnohanForms.txt for more details.

Sinnohan Raichu's stats have changed.
Old 70 HP / 60 Atk / 75 Def / 110 SAtk / 100 SDef / 105 Spd / 520 BST
New 80 HP / 60 Atk / 80 Def / 110 SAtk / 100 SDef / 105 Spd / 535 BST

Small buff to help it take hits a bit better.

Added Dual Wingbeat to the game, replacing the nearly-unused Pluck.
Dual Wingbeat now has 100% accuracy, but is otherwise unchanged.
Pokemon that learn Dual Wingbeat: Charizard, Fearow, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Crobat, Ninjask, Salamence, Latias, Latios

Added Triple Axel to the game, replacing Present.
Pokemon that learn Triple Axel: Articuno, Sneasel, Weavile, Delibird, Hitmontop, Lopunny, Gallade, Scyther-S, Scizor-S

Removed Slash from Scyther-S and Scizor-S's level up list to make room for Triple Axel.
Triple Axel is now learned at 37 instead of Icicle Spear, which is learned at 55.

Fixed Volkner having the wrong Rotom forms in both battles where he uses one.
Fixed the Galactic Grunt in the Team Galactic Eterna Building having a Glameow instead of a Swablu.
Fixed Probopass having Lightningrod instead of Volt Absorb.

Fixed Electivire's second ability not being Iron Fist, and the options menu version not matching.

Fixed certain shiny recolors not actually being present in the game files.

Volkner's Sharpedo now has a Life Orb instead of Leftovers, as intended.
Fixed Tyrogue's evolution methods not correctly matching the documentation.

The Battle Frontier is now closed. This is for a number of reasons, including the Pokemon
there still using EVs, and them using sets which do not take into account ANY of the changes
made, whether in Renegade Platinum or Altered Platinum.
It's currently impossible to edit the Battle Frontier in any way, unfortunately, so this
is all that can be done for now.
There's some new NPCs blocking the way, and they have new dialogue.

Overhauled the Battle Zone's six unofficial Gym Leaders to no longer specialize in types,
just like the Sinnoh League. Note that they have not yet been checked for balance,
but were designed similarly to the main Gym Leaders.

Proliferated access to TM89, U-turn. List of Pokemon that are now compatible:
Doduo, Dodrio
Krabby, Kingler
Voltorb, Electrode
Kabuto, Kabutops
Grovyle, Sceptile
Huntail, Gorebyss
Skorupi, Drapion

Psycho Cut has been changed.
Power: 70 >> 90

Added Chingling and Chimecho to the Type Changes document.
Fixed Rattata, Hypno, Wailord and Zangoose's typing being incorrect ingame.

Added Tyrogue's evolution changes to the Evolution Changes document.

Female Kirlia can now evolve into female Gallade by using a Dawn Stone.
Yay for tomboys!

Sinnohan Aggron's stats have changed.
Old 70 HP / 110 Atk / 115 Def / 95 SAtk / 60 SDef / 80 Spd / 550 BST
New 70 HP / 110 Atk / 115 Def / 80 SAtk / 75 SDef / 70 Spd / 540 BST

These small nerfs to Aggron-S make mixed attacks less powerful on it,
and its lower Speed tier makes its Dragon Dance set easier to outspeed.
With the small boost to its Special Defense, this should make
tanky Water Absorb sets more of a viable choice.

Sinnohan Tropius's abilities have been changed.
Old Chlorophyll / Flame Body
New Determined / Flame Body

The one thing really holding physical Tropius-S sets back is the fact that
its best physical moves are all recoil moves. This is anti-synergy
with its bulky stat spread and intent for longevity, so normally the only
strat is to go with Flame Body and run special, tanky sets.

Chlorophyll may be missed, but Determined functions far better in general.
It opens up the potential for very scary Dragon Dance sets, and offers
tanking sets more longevity without having to sacrifice damage, or go special.

It is quite similar to Aggron-S, though, as a user of Determined with D-Dance
and Flare Blitz. Tropius-S users will appreciate it for its increased bulk,
its lack of a double Ground weakness, and its much higher Speed tier.
Its powerful Wood Hammer also lets Tropius-S cover a lot of threats that Aggron
needs to run Dragon Claw over Head Smash for, which sacrifices a lot of power
and super-effective coverage.

Swords Dance, which Aggron-S does not get, may also be viable on Tropius-S.

Arbok's level-up moves have changed.
4 >> 1 - Poison Sting >> Recover

Nidoqueen's stats have changed.
Vanilla 90 HP / 92 Atk / 87 Def / 75 SAtk / 85 SDef / 76 Spd / 505 BST
Old 105 HP / 75 Atk / 90 Def / 90 SAtk / 95 SDef / 75 Spd / 530 BST
New 105 HP / 75 Atk / 90 Def / 90 SAtk / 115 SDef / 75 Spd / 550 BST

Nidoking's stats have changed.
Vanilla 81 HP / 102 Atk / 77 Def / 85 SAtk / 75 SDef / 85 Spd / 505 BST
Old 90 HP / 105 Atk / 75 Def / 95 SAtk / 75 SDef / 90 Spd / 530 BST
New 90 HP / 125 Atk / 75 Def / 95 SAtk / 75 SDef / 90 Spd / 550 BST

Clefable's stats have changed.
Vanilla 95 HP / 70 Atk / 73 Def / 95 SAtk / 90 SDef / 60 Spd / 483 BST
New 105 HP / 70 Atk / 95 Def / 95 SAtk / 100 SDef / 60 Spd / 525 BST

Clefable's abilities have been changed.
Old Magic Guard / Cute Charm
New Magic Guard / Unaware

Clefable's stats were given a buff because of the generally lower bulk with
no EVs. This helps it measure up better to its competitive performance.
Also, Unaware is obviously better than Cute Charm.

Wigglytuff's stats have changed.
Vanilla 140 HP / 70 Atk / 45 Def / 85 SAtk / 50 SDef / 45 Spd / 435 BST
Old 175 HP / 90 Atk / 60 Def / 95 SAtk / 65 SDef / 55 Spd / 540 BST
New 175 HP / 90 Atk / 70 Def / 95 SAtk / 75 SDef / 45 Spd / 550 BST

Vileplume's stats have changed.
Vanilla 75 HP / 80 Atk / 85 Def / 110 SAtk / 90 SDef / 50 Spd / 490 BST
Old 95 HP / 50 Atk / 85 Def / 110 SAtk / 100 SDef / 50 Spd / 510 BST
New 95 HP / 50 Atk / 85 Def / 120 SAtk / 120 SDef / 50 Spd / 540 BST

Tentacruel's stats have changed.
Vanilla 80 HP / 70 Atk / 65 Def / 80 SAtk / 120 SDef / 100 Spd / 515 BST
Old 80 HP / 70 Atk / 65 Def / 95 SAtk / 120 SDef / 100 Spd / 530 BST
New 80 HP / 70 Atk / 85 Def / 95 SAtk / 120 SDef / 100 Spd / 550 BST

Muk's stats have changed.
Vanilla 105 HP / 105 Atk / 75 Def / 65 SAtk / 100 SDef / 50 Spd / 500 BST
Old 105 HP / 105 Atk / 75 Def / 95 SAtk / 100 SDef / 50 Spd / 530 BST
New 105 HP / 105 Atk / 85 Def / 95 SAtk / 100 SDef / 50 Spd / 540 BST

Weezing's stats have changed.
Vanilla 65 HP / 90 Atk / 120 Def / 85 SAtk / 70 SDef / 60 Spd / 490 BST
Old 85 HP / 95 Atk / 120 Def / 95 SAtk / 75 SDef / 50 Spd / 520 BST
New 85 HP / 95 Atk / 120 Def / 95 SAtk / 95 SDef / 50 Spd / 540 BST

Weezing's level-up moves have changed.
35 - Double Hit >> Recover

Pinsir's stats have changed.
Vanilla 65 HP / 125 Atk / 100 Def / 55 SAtk / 70 SDef / 85 Spd / 500 BST
Old 100 HP / 125 Atk / 100 Def / 40 SAtk / 80 SDef / 75 Spd / 520 BST
New 100 HP / 125 Atk / 100 Def / 30 SAtk / 80 SDef / 85 Spd / 520 BST

Sinnohan Noctowl's stats have changed.
Old 100 HP / 40 Atk / 70 Def / 116 SAtk / 116 SDef / 80 Spd / 522 BST
New 100 HP / 40 Atk / 80 Def / 116 SAtk / 116 SDef / 80 Spd / 532 BST

Quagsire's stats have changed.
Vanilla 95 HP / 85 Atk / 85 Def / 65 SAtk / 65 SDef / 35 Spd / 430 BST
Old 105 HP / 90 Atk / 95 Def / 100 SAtk / 70 SDef / 45 Spd / 505 BST
New 105 HP / 90 Atk / 95 Def / 100 SAtk / 110 SDef / 45 Spd / 545

Steelix's stats have changed.
Vanilla 75 HP / 85 Atk / 200 Def / 55 SAtk / 65 SDef / 30 Spd / 510 BST
Old 75 HP / 105 Atk / 200 Def / 45 SAtk / 65 SDef / 30 Spd / 520 BST
New 75 HP / 105 Atk / 200 Def / 45 SAtk / 85 SDef / 30 Spd / 540 BST

Qwilfish's stats have changed.
Vanilla 65 HP / 95 Atk / 85 Def / 55 SAtk / 55 SDef / 85 Spd / 440 BST
Old 65 HP / 105 Atk / 115 Def / 45 SAtk / 85 SDef / 95 Spd / 510 BST
New 85 HP / 115 Atk / 105 Def / 65 SAtk / 85 SDef / 85 Spd / 540 BST

It's now a better version of Overqwil.

Skarmory's stats have changed.
Vanilla 65 HP / 80 Atk / 140 Def / 40 SAtk / 70 SDef / 70 Spd / 465 BST
Old 65 HP / 90 Atk / 140 Def / 40 SAtk / 70 SDef / 70 Spd / 485 BST
New 65 HP / 90 Atk / 140 Def / 40 SAtk / 90 SDef / 70 Spd / 505 BST

Houndoom's stats have changed.
Vanilla 75 HP / 90 Atk / 50 Def / 110 SAtk / 80 SDef / 95 Spd / 500 BST
Old 85 HP / 70 Atk / 70 Def / 120 SAtk / 80 SDef / 105 Spd / 530 BST
New 85 HP / 90 Atk / 75 Def / 120 SAtk / 80 SDef / 105 Spd / 555 BST

Blissey's stats have changed.
Vanilla 255 HP / 10 Atk / 10 Def / 75 SAtk / 135 SDef / 55 Spd / 540 BST
New 255 HP / 10 Atk / 25 Def / 75 SAtk / 135 SDef / 55 Spd / 555 BST

Sort of mimics HP/Def investment.
Makes Blissey harder to take out without reasonably strong physical attacks.

Happiny, Chansey and Blissey's abilities have changed.
Old Serene Grace / Natural Cure
New Natural Cure

This change was made since, even though the AI rarely ever switches out,
the Blissey line has no real use for Serene Grace anyway.

Dustox's stats have changed.
Vanilla 60 HP / 50 Atk / 70 Def / 50 SAtk / 90 SDef / 65 Spd / 385 BST
Old 90 HP / 40 Atk / 85 Def / 105 SAtk / 115 SDef / 95 Spd / 530 BST
New 90 HP / 20 Atk / 95 Def / 105 SAtk / 125 SDef / 95 Spd / 530 BST

Ninjask is now compatible with HM02, Fly.

Milotic's level-up moves have changed.
1 - Water Gun >> Haze

Gastrodon's stats have changed.
Vanilla 111 HP / 83 Atk / 68 Def / 92 SAtk / 82 SDef / 39 Spd / 475 BST
Old 111 HP / 93 Atk / 78 Def / 102 SAtk / 102 SDef / 39 Spd / 525 BST
New 111 HP / 93 Atk / 88 Def / 102 SAtk / 102 SDef / 39 Spd / 535 BST

Floatzel is now compatible with TM75, Swords Dance.

Carnivine's stats have changed.
Vanilla 74 HP / 100 Atk / 72 Def / 90 SAtk / 72 SDef / 46 Spd / 454 BST
Old 94 HP / 140 Atk / 82 Def / 110 SAtk / 82 SDef / 36 Spd / 544 BST
New 94 HP / 140 Atk / 82 Def / 110 SAtk / 82 SDef / 46 Spd / 554 BST

Carnivine is now compatible with TM26, Earthquake.

Carnivine's level-up moves have changed.
1 - Growth >> Thunder Fang
39 - Energy Ball >> Poison Fang
42 - Wring Out >> Tailwind
1 >> 48 - Bind >> Vampire Fangs

Hippowdon's stats have changed.
Vanilla 108 HP / 112 Atk / 118 Def / 68 SAtk / 72 SDef / 47 Spd / 525 BST
New 108 HP / 112 Atk / 118 Def / 68 SAtk / 82 SDef / 47 Spd / 535 BST

Like similar changes to good defensive Pokemon, this mimics some SDef investment.

Rhyperior's stats have changed.
Vanilla 115 HP / 140 Atk / 130 Def / 55 SAtk / 55 SDef / 40 Spd / 535 BST
Old 115 HP / 140 Atk / 130 Def / 55 SAtk / 75 SDef / 20 Spd / 535 BST
New 115 HP / 140 Atk / 130 Def / 55 SAtk / 85 SDef / 20 Spd / 545 BST

Tangrowth's stats have changed.
Vanilla 100 HP / 100 Atk / 125 Def / 110 SAtk / 50 SDef / 50 Spd / 535 BST
Old 100 HP / 100 Atk / 125 Def / 110 SAtk / 60 SDef / 50 Spd / 545 BST
New 100 HP / 100 Atk / 125 Def / 110 SAtk / 80 SDef / 40 Spd / 555 BST

Gliscor's stats have changed.
Vanilla 75 HP / 95 Atk / 125 Def / 45 SAtk / 75 SDef / 95 Spd / 510 BST
New 75 HP / 95 Atk / 125 Def / 45 SAtk / 95 SDef / 95 Spd / 530 BST

Like similar changes to good defensive Pokemon, this mimics some SDef investment.

Actually fixed Taillow not appearing in Route 204 ~ South.
Fixed some errors in the trainer documentation.
Fixed Hiker Louis not having a Nosepass as intended.

Fixed Accelerock's description being unchanged from Kinesis.
Fixed Vampire Fangs' description being unchanged from Smelling Salts.

Fixed Taillow not appearing in Route 204 ~ South.
Fixed Lass Sarah's Poochyena being a Shinx instead.
Fixed a Galactic Grunt in the Valley Windworks having a Koffing instead of a Paras.

Updated Starly, Staravia and Staraptor's shiny colors to match the ones
shown in the shiny preview.

Fixed a color on Igglybuff's shiny sprite.
This is just a tiny hotfix, I'm definitely going to take a bit of a break from here.

This marks the first update after actually playtesting the game all the way to credits!
The postgame is still mostly untested balancing-wise, but I have gone through using a postgame save provided by Dray,
and I'm fairly sure it functions as intended.

Miscellaneous text edits. The Champ-to-be guy, or the Gym Guy, now makes one final appearance!

Buck's Rotom was fixed, so it now takes its Heat form as it should.
Buck's partner team now consists of six Pokemon.

Marley on East Victory Road no longer has her Electrode.
You need to use three HMs to get through Victory Road, so why should Marley get to use six Pokemon?
Marley's partner team now consists of five Pokemon, as well.

Dawn/Lucas on Route 224 have also lost a Pokemon- their Lopunny/Lickilicky- for the same reason.

Barry now uses a physical Empoleon with Swords Dance, and his Torterra has Rock Polish earlier.

Corrected several oversights in the documentation where stats and Abilities that have been changed weren't reflected.
Let me know if you notice any more.

Scizor no longer has unique colors, to prevent confusion.
Instead, shiny Scizor now has its old blue color.

In an effort to reduce the bias towards hyper offense and offer more defensive or balanced options, several Pokemon
have had their stats, moves, and abilities tweaked.

Fixed Boomburst's description still being the same as Lovely Kiss.

Dynamic Punch has been reverted to vanilla.
Accuracy: 90% >> 50%
PP: 10 >> 5
Effect Chance: 20% >> 100%

This was done to make it more of a unique Machamp thing again.

Alakazam's stats have been reverted to vanilla.
Old 60 HP / 50 Atk / 45 Def / 150 SAtk / 95 SDef / 120 Spd / 520 BST
Vanilla 55 HP / 50 Atk / 45 Def / 135 SAtk / 95 SDef / 120 Spd / 500 BST

Ehh, Alakazam's huge SpA was fun in theory, but man, was it overpowered.
This guy was OU in BW simply because of Magic Guard, which it gets here.
The game might be full of more threats than ever, but THE 'ZAM is still THE 'ZAM.
Plus, he gets Aura Sphere now.
Let me know if you think Alakzam still needs some kind of boost.

Machamp's stats have changed.
Vanilla 90 HP / 130 Atk / 80 Def / 65 SAtk / 85 SDef / 55 Spd / 505 BST
Old 90 HP / 150 Atk / 80 Def / 60 SAtk / 85 SDef / 55 Spd / 520 BST
New 90 HP / 130 Atk / 80 Def / 55 SAtk / 85 SDef / 70 Spd / 510 BST

Voltorb and Electrode's abilities have been changed.
Old Speed Boost / Instinct
New Adaptability / Instinct

Electrode's stats have changed.
Vanilla 60 HP / 50 Atk / 70 Def / 80 SAtk / 80 SDef / 150 Spd / 490 BST
Old 60 HP / 90 Atk / 60 Def / 115 SAtk / 70 SDef / 150 Spd / 545 BST
New 60 HP / 85 Atk / 60 Def / 105 SAtk / 70 SDef / 150 Spd / 530 BST

Mr. Mime's stats have changed.
Vanilla 40 HP / 45 Atk / 65 Def / 100 SAtk / 120 SDef / 90 Spd / 460 BST
Old 40 HP / 20 Atk / 120 Def / 100 SAtk / 170 SDef / 105 Spd / 555 BST
New 40 HP / 15 Atk / 120 Def / 100 SAtk / 200 SDef / 80 Spd / 555 BST

The concept here with Mr. Mime is a sort of half-Shuckle; a mon with very low HP but extreme defenses.
170 wasn't as impressive as it seemed though, so I gave it a boost.
It's slower now, and it still has a significant(comparative) physical hole, but it can make for a fearsome
threat with Calm Mind setup.
Oh, and the justification for this is invisible mime walls. That's what I'm going with.

Lapras's abilities have been changed.
Old Volt Absorb / Shell Armor
New Serene Grace / Shell Armor

Lapras is now compatible with TM55, Scald.

I don't remember, but I think Lapras with Volt Absorb was a relic from before I buffed Ice.
As it is now, Water/Ice is actually a pretty solid defensive type combo.
Serene Grace allows it to do something pretty nice though- this gives it a Scald with a 60% burn chance!

Kabuto and Kabutops's abilities have been changed.
Old Swift Swim / Determined
New Swift Swim / Water Veil

Kabutops's stats have changed.
Vanilla 60 HP / 115 Atk / 105 Def / 65 SAtk / 70 SDef / 80 Spd / 495 BST
Old 60 HP / 125 Atk / 105 Def / 60 SAtk / 70 SDef / 105 Spd / 525 BST
New 60 HP / 130 Atk / 105 Def / 65 SAtk / 70 SDef / 80 Spd / 510 BST

These changes were made for the same reason Lumineon's were- Kabutops having Swift Swim, Swords Dance, AND 105
speed is just far too much, especially with Accelerock and Aqua Jet in the mix.
To compensate a bit, and make it potentially worth using without rain, Kabutops now has Water Veil,
which helps prevent it from being stuffed by a burn.

Typhlosion's stats have changed.
Vanilla 78 HP / 84 Atk / 78 Def / 109 SAtk / 85 SDef / 100 Spd / 534 BST
Old 78 HP / 73 Atk / 73 Def / 140 SAtk / 80 SDef / 101 Spd / 545 BST
New 78 HP / 83 Atk / 73 Def / 130 SAtk / 80 SDef / 101 Spd / 545 BST

Typhlosion's whole thing now is that ridiculous Adaptability Fire Blast, coming off a humongous Special Attack stat.
It was, however, too humongous, I think.
Let me know what you think, I guess!

Feraligatr's level-up moves have changed.
1 - Thrash >> Sucker Punch

Xatu's stats have changed.
Vanilla 65 HP / 75 Atk / 70 Def / 95 SAtk / 70 SDef / 95 Spd / 470 BST
Old 65 HP / 60 Atk / 70 Def / 130 SAtk / 70 SDef / 115 Spd / 510 BST
New 65 HP / 50 Atk / 70 Def / 120 SAtk / 90 SDef / 115 Spd / 510 BST

For such high speed and a Pokemon with Nasty Plot + Magic Guard, Xatu probably shouldn't have 130 SpA.
To compensate a bit, its Special bulk was improved considerably.

Sudowoodo's level-up moves have changed.
1 - Rock Throw >> Accelerock

Just a little boost to help Sudowoodo deal with faster threats.

Corsola's abilities have been changed.
Old Hustle / Natural Cure
New Solid Rock / Natural Cure

Corsola's stats have changed.
Vanilla 65 HP / 55 Atk / 95 Def / 65 SAtk / 95 SDef / 35 Spd / 410 BST
Old 75 HP / 45 Atk / 140 Def / 90 SAtk / 140 SDef / 35 Spd / 525 BST
New 75 HP / 45 Atk / 150 Def / 90 SAtk / 150 SDef / 35 Spd / 545 BST

Water/Rock is just not a great defensive typing. Solid Rock lessens the pain however, and with 75/150/150 defenses,
this thing is bulkier than TOXAPEX.
Is it worth using, then? I don't know, but the damage calcs are kinda promising! It's probably usable, at least.
Corsola lovers, let me know.

Delibird's abilities have been changed.
Old Technician / Hustle
New Unaware / Unburden

Technician was kind of overused before, and Delibird's movepool doesn't really take advantage of it anyway.
Unaware allows it to bypass Calm Mind, Bulk Up and Curse easily, as well as stuff like the odd Cosmic Power setup.
Unburden meanwhile, lets it gain a massive speed buff after using a Focus Sash, to potentially enable a sweep.
Delibird's great Attack stat and access to Quick Attack can also allow it to counter opposing priority if the target is
weak enough.

Skarmory's stats have changed.
Vanilla 65 HP / 80 Atk / 140 Def / 40 SAtk / 70 SDef / 70 Spd / 465 BST
Old 65 HP / 100 Atk / 140 Def / 40 SAtk / 70 SDef / 70 Spd / 485 BST
New 65 HP / 90 Atk / 140 Def / 40 SAtk / 70 SDef / 70 Spd / 475 BST

Skarmory really isn't an offensive Pokemon. The Attack buff was really meant to make damaging moves better on it,
but it might be a tad much at 100.

Donphan's stats have changed.
Vanilla 90 HP / 120 Atk / 120 Def / 60 SAtk / 60 SDef / 50 Spd / 500 BST
Old 90 HP / 120 Atk / 120 Def / 60 SAtk / 80 SDef / 50 Spd / 520 BST
New 100 HP / 120 Atk / 120 Def / 50 SAtk / 100 SDef / 50 Spd / 540 BST

Donphan's abilities have been changed.
Old Sand Veil / Reckless
New Thick Fat / Reckless

Donphan is now compatible with TM47, Iron Head.

Giving Donphan Thick Fat and Iron Head helps it deal with Ice-types much better than other Ground-types, who may struggle thanks to
their lack of coverage and weakness to the type.

Slaking's stats have changed.
Vanilla 150 HP / 160 Atk / 100 Def / 95 SAtk / 65 SDef / 100 Spd / 670 BST
Old 100 HP / 130 Atk / 100 Def / 70 SAtk / 85 SDef / 50 Spd / 535 BST
New 150 HP / 100 Atk / 120 Def / 70 SAtk / 55 SDef / 30 Spd / 525 BST

Slaking turned out to be quite similar to Ursaring(who now uses Ursaluna's stats), so to help make it more unique, it was
turned into a kind of less specialized, physical version of Blissey.
It has less physical bulk than Blissey's Special bulk, but to compensate it can usually survive two super-effective Special
moves, and it does a fair bit of damage with its physical attacks.

Lileep and Cradily's abilities have been changed.
Old Water Absorb / Suction Cups
New Suction Cups / Natural Cure

Natural Cure was added to help it on the defense, and it's certainly more impactful than Water Absorb.
Natural Cure was chosen specifically because crinoids are related to sea stars, and both can regenerate.
In absence of Regenerator, Natural Cure works as an acceptable stand-in.

Armaldo's stats have changed.
Vanilla 75 HP / 125 Atk / 100 Def / 70 SAtk / 80 SDef / 45 Spd / 495 BST
Old 75 HP / 125 Atk / 100 Def / 50 SAtk / 90 SDef / 85 Spd / 525 BST
New 75 HP / 125 Atk / 100 Def / 50 SAtk / 80 SDef / 95 Spd / 525 BST

Anorith and Armaldo's abilities have been changed.
Old Water Absorb / Strong Body(Battle Armor on Anorith)
New Tinted Lens / Strong Body

Tinted Lens helps Armaldo with neutral coverage, opening up more move options to be taken for their super-effective coverage.
This, in tandem with the Speed buff, also helps it stand out more from Kabutops and Kingler, other Pokemon with the same typing.
In terms of flavor, Tinted Lens is usually given to Pokemon with advanced compound eyesight(such as Yanmega, a dragonfly),
and for its time, Anomalocaris(the animal this line is based on) had better eyesight than almost every other creature around.
RIP in pasta, Anomalocaris.

Banette's abilities have been changed.
Old Insomnia / Frisk
New Intimidate / Unburden

Banette's abilities are rather underwhelming. It makes for a good revenge killer(appropriate) with Quick Attack and Sucker Punch,
but its low physical bulk could be a problem if it can't get off a Will-O-Wisp,
and it's not fast enough to sweep, considering it has no setup moves.
Intimidate enables it to take up a defensive role more easily, while Unburden can allow it to sweep by using up its held item.
The reason for Intimidate seems fairly obvious- it's a possessed doll. Scary!
Unburden just seemed appropriate, considering it's a doll that was thrown away- Unburden activates when it loses something of its own.

Huntail's stats have changed.
Vanilla 55 HP / 104 Atk / 105 Def / 94 SAtk / 75 SDef / 52 Spd / 485 BST
Old 75 HP / 114 Atk / 105 Def / 94 SAtk / 75 SDef / 72 Spd / 535 BST
New 75 HP / 104 Atk / 105 Def / 114 SAtk / 75 SDef / 62 Spd / 535 BST

Huntail is now compatible with TM79, Dark Pulse.

These stat changes help to weaken Huntail as a Dragon Dance Swift Swim sweeper, while boosting its mixed attacking
capabilities and opening up more opportunities for Special sets.
It can't set up on the Special side, but it does get access to strong Water STAB and Thunder, a rare combination.

Gorebyss's abilities have been changed.
Old Swift Swim / Hydration
New Hydration / Poison Point

Gorebyss's stats have changed.
Vanilla 55 HP / 84 Atk / 105 Def / 114 SAtk / 75 SDef / 52 Spd / 485 BST
Old 75 HP / 94 Atk / 75 Def / 114 SAtk / 105 SDef / 72 Spd / 535 BST
New 75 HP / 100 Atk / 95 Def / 90 SAtk / 105 SDef / 70 Spd / 535 BST

Gorebyss's level-up moves have changed.
1 - Whirlpool >> Leech Life

These changes optimize Gorebyss for more of a mixed defensive, mixed offensive role.
It can take hits and deal damage well on both sides of the spectrum, even functioning as a Special wallbreaker using Nasty Plot.
Poison Point can be helpful for physically defensive Acid Armor sets that don't run Scald, helping it wear down opponents.
This ability is justified by the fact that real long-nosed chimaera are venomous specifically in their dorsal fins,
which have small spines.

Torterra's type has changed.
Old Grass / Ground
New Grass / Rock

Grotle's level-up moves have changed.
18 - Bulldoze >> Accelerock

Torterra's level-up moves have changed.
1 - Withdraw >> Head Smash
18 - Bulldoze >> Accelerock
32 - Earthquake >> Stone Edge

I do think Torterra, at least my version of it, isn't exactly the worst thing ever with its Grass/Ground typing, but with Ice-types
on the rise in Altered Platinum, Torterra is not having a good time, even with Solid Rock as its ability.
Grass/Rock is far superior both on defense and offense, still fits the concept, and also serves as great justification for giving it
Accelerock, a bit of much-appreciated priority for offensive sets.
Head Smash might not get much use, but it's there if you want it.

Kricketune's stats have changed.
Vanilla 77 HP / 85 Atk / 51 Def / 55 SAtk / 51 SDef / 65 Spd / 384 BST
Old 80 HP / 45 Atk / 70 Def / 130 SAtk / 70 SDef / 105 Spd / 500 BST
New 70 HP / 55 Atk / 70 Def / 130 SAtk / 70 SDef / 105 Spd / 500 BST

Kricketune's abilities have been changed.
Old Technician / Swarm
New Scrappy / Adaptability

Uh, why did I give Kricketune Technician again?

Scrappy helps it hit more targets with its ridiculous Boomburst, but Adaptability makes its DELELELELE WHOOOOOOOOP EVEN LOUDER.
To compensate, its bulk has been reduced a bit.

Cranidos and Rampardos's abilities have been changed.
Old Determined / Reckless
New Mold Breaker / Reckless

Rampardos's stats have changed.
Vanilla 97 HP / 165 Atk / 60 Def / 65 SAtk / 50 SDef / 58 Spd / 495 BST
Old 115 HP / 155 Atk / 65 Def / 55 SAtk / 55 SDef / 80 Spd / 525 BST
New 135 HP / 145 Atk / 65 Def / 55 SAtk / 55 SDef / 70 Spd / 525 BST

Armed with the knowledge that D-Dance Aggron is pretty fantastic with just 115 Attack, I think having Rampy here with 155 Attack
and THE SAME SPEED is probably a biiiiiiiit too much.
To compensate, Rampy can no longer spam recoil moves like it used to, and its Attack and Speed have been downgraded.
Its HP is higher now though, to help make Reckless a better option.

Finneon and Lumineon's abilities have been changed.
Old Swift Swim / Natural Cure
New Rain Dish / Natural Cure

Lumineon is now compatible with TM85, Dazzling Gleam.

As reported by TopBanter, Lumineon basically ends the game when Swift Swim and Tail Glow are both active.
Its speed tier is pretty much unmatched.
I'll admit I didn't consider speed tiers when it comes to Swift Swim mons, which is why they've been tweaked substantially.
Rain Dish is much more inoffensive, offering Lumineon some extra longevity in the rain, without making it oppressive.
It seemed weird that Dazzling Gleam was absent, considering it's a bioluminescent fish that could benefit from Fairy coverage.

Froslass's abilities have been changed.
Old Technician / Snow Cloak
New Levitate / Snow Warning

After using Froslass personally, I can attest to the fact that Technician Icy Wind is... fine, but not as good as the new Blizzard.
Aside from Icy Wind, it only really gets Ominous Wind, which is a gimmicky move even with it, and Shock Wave, which is only
technically better than Thunderbolt- which it also gets access to.
Levitate is far more interesting, and Snow Warning allows Froslass to function as an alternative snow setter to Abomasnow.
You may appreciate Froslass as a snow setter for its powerful Blizzard and access to Spikes, which allow it to set up hazards or deal
damage right out of the gate.

Sinnohan Butterfree's stats have changed.
Old 80 HP / 40 Atk / 80 Def / 110 SAtk / 120 SDef / 105 Spd / 535 BST
New 80 HP / 40 Atk / 90 Def / 100 SAtk / 130 SDef / 95 Spd / 535 BST

Sinnohan Butterfree's level-up moves have changed.
43 - Nasty Plot >> Roost
The removal of Nasty Plot forces Butterfree into more of a tanky role than before, and it must now rely on Calm Mind for setup.

Bug/Fairy isn't the best defensive typing though, so it remains relatively balanced.

Sinnohan Parasect's stats have changed.
Old 90 HP / 95 Atk / 100 Def / 90 SAtk / 130 SDef / 20 Spd / 525 BST
New 90 HP / 85 Atk / 110 Def / 90 SAtk / 130 SDef / 20 Spd / 525 BST

Sinnohan Rapidash's stats have changed.
Old 90 HP / 50 Atk / 75 Def / 130 SAtk / 85 SDef / 110 Spd / 530 BST
New 90 HP / 50 Atk / 75 Def / 120 SAtk / 95 SDef / 110 Spd / 530 BST

Sinnohan Ponyta and Rapidash's abilities have been changed.
Old Serene Grace/Water Absorb
New Adaptability/Marvel Scale

Sinnohan Rapidash's level-up moves have changed.
1 - Tail Whip >> Rain Dance

Rapidash-S doesn't particularly benefit from either Serene Grace or Water Absorb, so they're kind of pointless.
Adaptability grants it fantastic power, while Marvel Scale makes bulky sets a bit better.

Sinnohan Noctowl's stats have changed.
Old 100 HP / 50 Atk / 50 Def / 136 SAtk / 96 SDef / 90 Spd / 522 BST
New 100 HP / 40 Atk / 70 Def / 116 SAtk / 116 SDef / 80 Spd / 522 BST

This change tweaks Noctowl into more of a defensive role, with the option of going offensive if setup or specs are used.

Sinnohan Togepi, Togetic and Togekiss's types have changed.
Old Grass(Togepi), Grass/Dragon
New Grass/Water

Sinnohan Togetic and Togekiss can no longer learn Draco Meteor by tutor.

Sinnohan Togetic and Togekiss's abilities have been changed.
Old Water Absorb/Hustle
New No Guard/Water Veil

Sinnohan Togepi and Togetic's level-up moves have changed.
5/1 - Metronome >> Water Gun

Sinnohan Togetic and Togekiss's level-up moves have changed.
1 - Double-Edge >> Extreme Speed
1 - Aura Sphere(Togekiss) >> 1 - Close Combat
28 - Dragon Claw >> Sleep Powder (Was mistakenly Baton Pass on Togetic)
31/34 - Outrage >> Waterfall

Sinnohan Togetic and Togekiss are now compatible with TM89, U-turn.

As reported by SevenChurches, Sinnohan Togekiss had an underwhelming typing- and its abilities didn't really do much to help.
With it doubly resisting Water, Water Absorb is redundant, and Hustle is decent, but unreliable.
Plus, its many weaknesses and low Speed made it difficult to actually set up a Dragon Dance, and only 80 Speed
meant that it was still likely to be outsped even at +1.
Because of all of this, the decision was made to change the line's typing to Grass/Water.
The theming reason for this is that, being based on fruit, they're full of juice anyway.

No Guard allows it to spam Power Whip and Stone Edge with reckless abandon, but it also gives it a 100% accurate Sleep Powder if
chosen, allowing it to be really annoying, especially after a Dragon Dance Speed boost.
Water Veil, meanwhile, makes it impossible to neuter with a burn.

Sinnohan Forretress's stats have changed.
Old 85 HP / 40 Atk / 75 Def / 140 SAtk / 75 SDef / 105 Spd / 515 BST
New 85 HP / 40 Atk / 65 Def / 140 SAtk / 75 SDef / 105 Spd / 505 BST

Sinnohan Dunsparce's abilities have been changed.
Old Dry Skin/Hustle
New Mold Breaker/Hustle

The change to Dunsparce-S's Abilities was made to A: Reduce the quantity of immunity abilities,
and B: Fix an issue where you could easily exploit the AI, which doesn't seem to understand how immunity abilities work.
This exploit is probably still a thing elsewhere, but Dunsparce didn't really need Dry Skin anyway. It's already got several
immunities and resistances to provide switch-in opportunities.

Sinnohan Aggron's stats have changed.
Old 70 HP / 110 Atk / 115 Def / 95 SAtk / 80 SDef / 80 Spd / 550 BST
New 70 HP / 110 Atk / 115 Def / 95 SAtk / 60 SDef / 80 Spd / 530 BST

This small nerf gives it a bigger Special hole, and makes it easier to KO Aggron.

Sinnohan Lunatone's stats have changed.
Old 90 HP / 60 Atk / 125 Def / 105 SAtk / 85 SDef / 55 Spd / 520 BST
New 90 HP / 60 Atk / 125 Def / 95 SAtk / 85 SDef / 55 Spd / 510 BST

Sinnohan Solrock's stats have changed.
Old 90 HP / 60 Atk / 55 Def / 125 SAtk / 85 SDef / 105 Spd / 520 BST
New 90 HP / 60 Atk / 55 Def / 125 SAtk / 85 SDef / 95 Spd / 510 BST

Sinnohan Absol's abilities have been changed.
Old Flash Fire/Insomnia
New Limber/Insomnia

Sinnohan Absol's stats have changed.
Old 65 HP / 140 Atk / 85 Def / 40 SAtk / 65 SDef / 105 Spd / 500 BST
New 65 HP / 140 Atk / 85 Def / 45 SAtk / 65 SDef / 100 Spd / 500 BST

Absol-S's offense is so oppressively strong, it really does need a serious weakness.
Making it immune to Fire just makes it that much harder to stop, and it was excessive.
The slight reduction to Speed also makes it just a bit easier to outspeed, though Limber does make it harder to slow down.

Miscellanous text updates.

Max Elixirs have had their price changed from 4500 to 2000.

Poke Marts now sell Max Elixirs after 5 Badges, instead of Full Restores after 7 Badges.

Barry's Pidgeot will no longer murder you with Hurricane in the Spear Pillar "partner" battle.

Mars's Solrock now carries Flamethrower instead of Fire Blast in the Spear Pillar battle.
Jupiter's Lunatone now carries Power Gem instead of Gem Flash in the Spear Pillar batle.

Volkner's Rotom is now Frost form, and carries Blizzard instead of Trick.
For some reason, Trick it fails when NPC trainers use it.

Increased Blizzard's accuracy to 85%. It may have been excluded from the other similar moves by mistake.

Corrected an error where Crobat had Intimidate instead of Limber.

Rotom (Regular Form)'s stats have changed.
Vanilla 50 HP / 50 Atk / 77 Def / 95 SAtk / 77 SDef / 91 Spd / 440 BST
Old 50 HP / 50 Atk / 77 Def / 115 SAtk / 77 SDef / 151 Spd / 520 BST
New 50 HP / 65 Atk / 107 Def / 105 SAtk / 107 SDef / 86 Spd / 520 BST
This change was made because for some reason, even if you give an NPC an alternate Rotom form, they still
use the base form's stats. Blame Gamefreak's shoddy programming.

Sinnohan Porygon-Z's stats have changed.
Old 85 HP / 60 Atk / 75 Def / 130 SAtk / 75 SDef / 110 Spd / 535 BST
New 85 HP / 70 Atk / 70 Def / 130 SAtk / 70 SDef / 110 Spd / 535 BST

Sinnohan Lunatone's stats have changed.
Old 110 HP / 60 Atk / 125 Def / 105 SAtk / 85 SDef / 55 Spd / 540 BST
New 90 HP / 60 Atk / 125 Def / 105 SAtk / 85 SDef / 55 Spd / 520 BST

Sinnohan Solrock's stats have changed.
Old 110 HP / 60 Atk / 55 Def / 125 SAtk / 85 SDef / 105 Spd / 540 BST
New 90 HP / 60 Atk / 55 Def / 125 SAtk / 85 SDef / 105 Spd / 520 BST

Sinnohan Vibrava and Flygon's abilities have been changed.
Old Levitate
New Deadeye / Solar Power

Sinnohan Flygon's stats have changed.
Old 75 HP / 105 Atk / 70 Def / 105 SAtk / 75 SDef / 125 Spd / 555 BST
New 65 HP / 105 Atk / 70 Def / 105 SAtk / 75 SDef / 125 Spd / 545 BST

Sinnohan Flygon was too hard to take down for how powerful its setup was.
Giving it lower HP and a glaring weakness to Ground makes it tougher to switch in.
To compensate, however, its new abilities make it a fantastic sun team attacker,
or user of moves like Fire Blast and Thunder.

Sinnohan Tropius's stats have changed.
Old 135 HP / 90 Atk / 75 Def / 90 SAtk / 85 SDef / 80 Spd / 555 BST
New 125 HP / 100 Atk / 70 Def / 95 SAtk / 80 SDef / 85 Spd / 555 BST

Miscellanous text updates.
Fixed Byron's text on Iron Island, which I mistook for his pre-battle dialogue.

Fly's Base Power has been changed to 100, down from 150.
Shadow Claw's Base Power has been changed to 90, up from 80. Its PP has also been changed to 10, from 15.
Sucker Punch has been re-nerfed down to 70 Base Power, from 80.

Riley's Absol-S now carries Night Slash and Iron Head instead of Vampire Fangs and Iron Tail.
Riley's Ursaring now carries Strength, Hammer Arm and Icicle Crash instead of Facade, Drain Punch and Play Rough.
Fixed Riley's Metagross during the first battle having Meteor Dive instead of Meteor Mash.
Riley's Metagross now also carries Psychic and Flash Cannon instead of Zen Headbutt and Bullet Punch.
Riley's Salamence now carries Flamethrower instead of Fire Blast.
Riley's Slaking now carries Ice Punch instead of Hammer Arm.

Bastiodon is now Byron's highest-level Pokemon in both his battles. He still sends it out first.

Byron's Bastiodon now carries Toxic, Iron Head and Slack Off instead of Dragon Rush, Rest and Sleep Talk.
This was changed because if you send out a Fairy type, especially one with setup like Roserade, it can't do
ANYTHING but sit there and wait for you to max out your stats.

Byron now has a Magnezone instead of a Rhyperior, to help give him more offensive power, and a switch-in for Ground-type moves.
(Canalave Gym Battle)
Magnezone (Lv. 52) @ Leftovers / Levitate / Charge Beam, Parabolic Charge, Flash Cannon, Bug Buzz

Byron now has a Scizor instead of a Steelix, to help him revenge kill against Pokemon like Roserade.
(Canalave Gym Battle)
Scizor (Lv. 52) @ Choice Band / Technician / Bullet Punch, Aerial Ace, Pursuit, U-turn

Leafeon's abilities have been changed.
Old Super Luck / Chlorophyll
New Natural Cure / Chlorophyll

Leafeon's stats have changed.
Vanilla 65 HP / 110 Atk / 130 Def / 60 SAtk / 65 SDef / 95 Spd / 525 BST
Old 70 HP / 110 Atk / 130 Def / 60 SAtk / 80 SDef / 95 Spd / 545 BST
New 70 HP / 130 Atk / 110 Def / 60 SAtk / 80 SDef / 95 Spd / 545 BST

Leafeon is now compatible with TM65, Shadow Claw, TM71, Stone Edge, and TM89, U-turn.

Leafeon's level-up moves have changed.
1 - Helping Hand >> Extreme Speed
1 - Bite >> Sucker Punch

These changes were made because I've been using Leafeon in my playthrough, and generally find it to be
underwhelming as a revenge killer.
Scarfed 95 Speed is certainly impressive, but with its lackluster movepool it usually doesn't do much damage.
Super Luck doesn't have as much of an effect on its critical chance as I expected, either.
These changes give it many more options for both a wallbreaker set, a choice band set, and revenge killer sets.
Sucker Punch and Extreme Speed give it access to powerful priority options, meanwhile Shadow Claw and Stone Edge
give it great neutral coverage, while U-turn presents an escape option.

Sinnohan Roserade's stats have changed.
Old 60 HP / 55 Atk / 75 Def / 135 SAtk / 85 SDef / 105 Spd / 515 BST
New 60 HP / 60 Atk / 75 Def / 130 SAtk / 85 SDef / 105 Spd / 515 BST

Sinnohan Medicham's stats have changed.
Old 65 HP / 45 Atk / 65 Def / 125 SAtk / 75 SDef / 90 Spd / 465 BST
New 65 HP / 55 Atk / 65 Def / 125 SAtk / 70 SDef / 90 Spd / 470 BST

Ursaring's level-up moves have changed.
1 - Lick >> Slack Off

Miscellanous text updates.
PP Ups and PP Maxes have had their prices changed to 400 and 800, respectively.

Crasher Wake's Ludicolo now knows Surf instead of Hydro Pump.

Changes have been made to encounter rates in general to make Sinnohan Forms more common early on.

Lake Verity
Berry Lure Finneon (60%), Marill (30%), Ponyta(S) (10%)
Berry Lure Finneon (60%), Ponyta(S) (30%), Marill (10%)

Route 202
Morning Shinx (20%), Zigzagoon (20%), Sentret(S) (20%), Rattata (10%), Poochyena(S) (10%), Vulpix (10%), Burmy (10%)
Day Shinx (20%), Zigzagoon (20%), Sentret(S) (20%), Rattata (10%), Poochyena(S) (10%), Vulpix (10%), Burmy (10%)
Night Shinx (20%), Zigzagoon (20%), Hoothoot(S) (20%), Rattata (10%), Poochyena(S) (10%), Vulpix (10%), Burmy (10%)
Morning Shinx (20%), Poochyena(S) (20%), Sentret(S) (20%), Rattata (10%), Zigzagoon (10%), Vulpix (10%), Burmy (10%)
Day Shinx (20%), Poochyena(S) (20%), Sentret(S) (20%), Rattata (10%), Zigzagoon (10%), Vulpix (10%), Burmy (10%)
Night Shinx (20%), Poochyena(S) (20%), Hoothoot(S) (20%), Rattata (10%), Zigzagoon (10%), Vulpix (10%), Burmy (10%)

Route 204 ~ South
Morning Taillow (20%), Oddish (20%), Bellsprout (10%), Mareep(S) (10%), Caterpie(S) (10%), Weedle(S) (10%), Wurmple (10%), Ledyba (10%)
Day Taillow (20%), Oddish (20%), Bellsprout (10%), Mareep(S) (10%), Caterpie(S) (10%), Weedle(S) (10%), Wurmple (10%), Sunkern (10%)
Night Taillow (20%), Oddish (20%), Bellsprout (10%), Mareep(S) (10%), Caterpie(S) (10%), Weedle(S) (10%), Wurmple (10%), Spinarak(S) (10%)
Morning Taillow (20%), Mareep(S) (20%), Bellsprout (10%), Oddish (10%), Caterpie(S) (10%), Weedle(S) (10%), Wurmple (10%), Ledyba (10%)
Day Taillow (20%), Mareep(S) (20%), Bellsprout (10%), Oddish (10%), Caterpie(S) (10%), Weedle(S) (10%), Wurmple (10%), Sunkern (10%)
Night Taillow (20%), Mareep(S) (20%), Bellsprout (10%), Oddish (10%), Caterpie(S) (10%), Weedle(S) (10%), Wurmple (10%), Spinarak(S) (10%)

Ravaged Path
Levels: 6 - 8 (Walking/Fishing), 20 - 40 (Surfing)
Morning Zubat (25%), Geodude (20%), Wooper (20%), Spinarak(S) (10%), Sandshrew(S) (10%), Makuhita (10%), Electrike(S) (5%)
Day Zubat (25%), Geodude (20%), Wooper (20%), Spinarak(S) (10%), Sandshrew(S) (10%), Makuhita (10%), Electrike(S) (5%)
Night Zubat (25%), Geodude (20%), Wooper (20%), Spinarak(S) (10%), Sandshrew(S) (10%), Makuhita (10%), Electrike(S) (5%)
Morning Zubat (20%), Geodude (20%), Spinarak(S) (20%), Wooper (10%), Sandshrew(S) (10%), Makuhita (10%), Electrike(S) (10%)
Day Zubat (20%), Geodude (20%), Spinarak(S) (20%), Wooper (10%), Sandshrew(S) (10%), Makuhita (10%), Electrike(S) (10%)
Night Zubat (20%), Geodude (20%), Spinarak(S) (20%), Wooper (10%), Sandshrew(S) (10%), Makuhita (10%), Electrike(S) (10%)

Oreburgh Gate ~ B1F
Morning Zubat (35%), Geodude (30%), Diglett (20%), Riolu (10%), Electrike(S) (5%)
Day Zubat (35%), Geodude (30%), Diglett (20%), Riolu (10%), Electrike(S) (5%)
Night Zubat (35%), Geodude (30%), Diglett (20%), Riolu (10%), Electrike(S) (5%)
Worm Lure Magikarp (60%), Carvanha (35%), Chinchou(S) (5%)
Morning Zubat (30%), Geodude (30%), Electrike(S) (20%), Riolu (10%), Diglett (10%)
Day Zubat (30%), Geodude (30%), Electrike(S) (20%), Riolu (10%), Diglett (10%)
Night Zubat (30%), Geodude (30%), Electrike(S) (20%), Riolu (10%), Diglett (10%)
Worm Lure Magikarp (60%), Carvanha (30%), Chinchou(S) (10%)

Oreburgh Mine ~ 1F
Morning Geodude (25%), Zubat (25%), Whismur (20%), Aron(S) (10%), Onix (10%), Slugma(S) (10%)
Day Geodude (25%), Zubat (25%), Whismur (20%), Aron(S) (10%), Onix (10%), Slugma(S) (10%)
Night Geodude (25%), Zubat (25%), Whismur (20%), Aron(S) (10%), Onix (10%), Slugma(S) (10%)
Morning Geodude (20%), Zubat (20%), Whismur (20%), Aron(S) (15%), Slugma(S) (15%), Onix (10%)
Day Geodude (20%), Zubat (20%), Whismur (20%), Aron(S) (15%), Slugma(S) (15%), Onix (10%)
Night Geodude (20%), Zubat (20%), Whismur (20%), Aron(S) (15%), Slugma(S) (15%), Onix (10%)

Oreburgh Mine ~ B1F
Morning Geodude (25%), Zubat (25%), Whismur (20%), Aron(S) (10%), Onix (10%), Slugma(S) (10%)
Day Geodude (25%), Zubat (25%), Whismur (20%), Aron(S) (10%), Onix (10%), Slugma(S) (10%)
Night Geodude (25%), Zubat (25%), Whismur (20%), Aron(S) (10%), Onix (10%), Slugma(S) (10%)
Morning Geodude (20%), Zubat (20%), Whismur (20%), Aron(S) (15%), Slugma(S) (15%), Onix (10%)
Day Geodude (20%), Zubat (20%), Whismur (20%), Aron(S) (15%), Slugma(S) (15%), Onix (10%)
Night Geodude (20%), Zubat (20%), Whismur (20%), Aron(S) (15%), Slugma(S) (15%), Onix (10%)

Route 205 ~ South
Morning Shellos (30%), Mareep(S) (20%), Buizel (20%), Hoppip (20%), Budew(S) (10%)
Day Shellos (30%), Mareep(S) (20%), Buizel (20%), Hoppip (20%), Budew(S) (10%)
Night Shellos (30%), Mareep(S) (20%), Buizel (20%), Venonat (20%), Budew(S) (10%)
Morning Shellos (30%), Budew(S) (20%), Buizel (20%), Hoppip (20%), Mareep(S) (10%)
Day Shellos (30%), Budew(S) (20%), Buizel (20%), Hoppip (20%), Mareep(S) (10%)
Night Shellos (30%), Budew(S) (20%), Buizel (20%), Venonat (20%), Mareep(S) (10%)

Mt. Coronet ~ Route 211 Entrance
Morning Geodude (20%), Bronzor (20%), Cleffa (10%), Nosepass (10%), Sandshrew(S) (10%), Zubat (10%), Beldum (10%), Solrock(S) (5%), Lunatone(S) (5%)
Day Geodude (20%), Bronzor (20%), Cleffa (10%), Nosepass (10%), Sandshrew(S) (10%), Zubat (10%), Beldum (10%), Solrock(S) (5%), Lunatone(S) (5%)
Night Geodude (20%), Bronzor (20%), Cleffa (10%), Nosepass (10%), Sandshrew(S) (10%), Zubat (10%), Beldum (10%), Solrock(S) (5%), Lunatone(S) (5%)
Morning Geodude (20%), Bronzor (20%), Cleffa (10%), Sandshrew(S) (10%), Zubat (10%), Nosepass (10%), Solrock(S) (10%), Lunatone(S) (10%)
Day Geodude (20%), Bronzor (20%), Cleffa (10%), Sandshrew(S) (10%), Zubat (10%), Nosepass (10%), Solrock(S) (10%), Lunatone(S) (10%)
Night Geodude (20%), Bronzor (20%), Cleffa (10%), Sandshrew(S) (10%), Zubat (10%), Nosepass (10%), Solrock(S) (10%), Lunatone(S) (10%)

Mt. Coronet ~ Tunnel to Route 211 Entrance
Morning Geodude (20%), Bronzor (20%), Clefairy (10%), Trapinch(S) (10%), Chimecho (10%), Zubat (10%), Beldum (10%), Nosepass (5%), Absol(S) (5%)
Day Geodude (20%), Bronzor (20%), Clefairy (10%), Trapinch(S) (10%), Chimecho (10%), Zubat (10%), Beldum (10%), Nosepass (5%), Absol(S) (5%)
Night Geodude (20%), Bronzor (20%), Clefairy (10%), Trapinch(S) (10%), Chimecho (10%), Zubat (10%), Beldum (10%), Nosepass (5%), Absol(S) (5%)
Morning Geodude (20%), Bronzor (20%), Clefairy (10%), Trapinch(S) (10%), Chimecho (10%), Zubat (10%), Beldum (10%), Absol(S) (10%)
Day Geodude (20%), Bronzor (20%), Clefairy (10%), Trapinch(S) (10%), Chimecho (10%), Zubat (10%), Beldum (10%), Absol(S) (10%)
Night Geodude (20%), Bronzor (20%), Clefairy (10%), Trapinch(S) (10%), Chimecho (10%), Zubat (10%), Beldum (10%), Absol(S) (10%)

Mt. Coronet ~ B1F
Morning Geodude (20%), Bronzor (20%), Clefairy (10%), Growlithe(S) (10%), Sandslash(S) (10%), Zubat (10%), Electrike(S) (10%), Solrock(S) (5%), Lunatone(S) (5%)
Day Geodude (20%), Bronzor (20%), Clefairy (10%), Growlithe(S) (10%), Sandslash(S) (10%), Zubat (10%), Electrike(S) (10%), Solrock(S) (5%), Lunatone(S) (5%)
Night Geodude (20%), Bronzor (20%), Clefairy (10%), Growlithe(S) (10%), Sandslash(S) (10%), Zubat (10%), Electrike(S) (10%), Solrock(S) (5%), Lunatone(S) (5%)
Morning Geodude (20%), Bronzor (20%), Sandshrew(S) (20%), Clefairy (10%), Zubat (10%), Electrike(S) (10%), Solrock(S) (5%), Lunatone(S) (5%)
Day Geodude (20%), Bronzor (20%), Sandshrew(S) (20%), Clefairy (10%), Zubat (10%), Electrike(S) (10%), Solrock(S) (5%), Lunatone(S) (5%)
Night Geodude (20%), Bronzor (20%), Sandshrew(S) (20%), Clefairy (10%), Zubat (10%), Electrike(S) (10%), Solrock(S) (5%), Lunatone(S) (5%)

Route 216
Morning Snover (30%), Swinub (25%), Smoochum (20%), Snorunt (15%), Sneasel (5%), Growlithe(S) (5%)
Day Snover (30%), Swinub (25%), Smoochum (20%), Snorunt (15%), Sneasel (5%), Growlithe(S) (5%)
Night Snover (30%), Swinub (25%), Smoochum (20%), Snorunt (15%), Sneasel (5%), Growlithe(S) (5%)
Morning Snover (30%), Swinub (20%), Growlithe(S) (20%), Smoochum (10%), Snorunt (10%), Sneasel (10%)
Day Snover (30%), Swinub (20%), Growlithe(S) (20%), Smoochum (10%), Snorunt (10%), Sneasel (10%)
Night Snover (30%), Swinub (20%), Growlithe(S) (20%), Smoochum (10%), Snorunt (10%), Sneasel (10%)

Wayward Cave (Both)
Morning Zubat (20%), Geodude (20%), Gible (20%), Baltoy (10%), Sandshrew(S) (10%), Dunsparce(S) (10%), Sableye (5%), Mawile (5%)
Day Zubat (20%), Geodude (20%), Gible (20%), Baltoy (10%), Sandshrew(S) (10%), Dunsparce(S) (10%), Sableye (5%), Mawile (5%)
Night Zubat (20%), Geodude (20%), Gible (20%), Baltoy (10%), Sandshrew(S) (10%), Dunsparce(S) (10%), Sableye (5%), Mawile (5%)
Morning Zubat (20%), Geodude (20%), Gible (20%), Dunsparce(S) (20%), Baltoy (10%), Sableye (5%), Mawile (5%)
Day Zubat (20%), Geodude (20%), Gible (20%), Dunsparce(S) (20%), Baltoy (10%), Sableye (5%), Mawile (5%)
Night Zubat (20%), Geodude (20%), Gible (20%), Dunsparce(S) (20%), Baltoy (10%), Sableye (5%), Mawile (5%)

Route 208
Morning Doduo (20%), Smeargle (20%), Skitty (10%), Jigglypuff (10%), Flaaffy(S) (10%), Zangoose (10%), Seviper (10%), Tropius(S) (10%)
Day Doduo (20%), Smeargle (20%), Skitty (10%), Jigglypuff (10%), Flaaffy(S) (10%), Zangoose (10%), Seviper (10%), Tropius(S) (10%)
Night Doduo (20%), Smeargle (20%), Skitty (10%), Jigglypuff (10%), Flaaffy(S) (10%), Zangoose (10%), Seviper (10%), Tropius(S) (10%)
Morning Doduo (20%), Smeargle (20%), Tropius(S) (20%), Skitty (10%), Jigglypuff (10%), Zangoose (10%), Seviper (10%)
Day Doduo (20%), Smeargle (20%), Tropius(S) (20%), Skitty (10%), Jigglypuff (10%), Zangoose (10%), Seviper (10%)
Night Doduo (20%), Smeargle (20%), Tropius(S) (20%), Skitty (10%), Jigglypuff (10%), Zangoose (10%), Seviper (10%)

Route 212 ~ North
Morning Staravia (30%), Marill (20%), Roselia(S) (10%), Weepinbell (10%), Gloom (10%), Kirlia (10%), Smeargle (10%)
Day Staravia (30%), Marill (20%), Roselia(S) (10%), Weepinbell (10%), Gloom (10%), Kirlia (10%), Smeargle (10%)
Night Staravia (30%), Marill (20%), Roselia(S) (10%), Weepinbell (10%), Gloom (10%), Kirlia (10%), Smeargle (10%)
Morning Staravia (20%), Marill (20%), Roselia(S) (20%), Weepinbell (10%), Gloom (10%), Kirlia (10%), Smeargle (10%)
Day Staravia (20%), Marill (20%), Roselia(S) (20%), Weepinbell (10%), Gloom (10%), Kirlia (10%), Smeargle (10%)
Night Staravia (20%), Marill (20%), Roselia(S) (20%), Weepinbell (10%), Gloom (10%), Kirlia (10%), Smeargle (10%)

Route 209
Honey Tree Staravia (30%), Pidgeotto (20%), Noctowl(S) (20%), Swellow (20%), Farfetch'd (10%)
Honey Tree Staravia (30%), Pidgeotto (20%), Hoothoot(S) (20%), Swellow (20%), Farfetch'd (10%)

Changed the text from the Black Belt in Pastoria referring to Wake's water-type attacks.

Sinnohan Roserade's level-up moves have changed.
1 - Nasty Plot >> Play Rough
Nasty Plot was removed because its physical Attack with Pure Power is technically lower than its
Special, so this way it gets a unique advantage by going physical.
Also, 63 is way too late to be learning its only good physical Fairy STAB.

Fixed an oversight where the Magmarizer and Electirizer NPCs still refer to Flint and Volkner owning
their respective Pokemon.

Magmortar's stats have changed.
Vanilla 75 HP / 95 Atk / 67 Def / 125 SAtk / 95 SDef / 83 Spd / 540 BST
Old 85 HP / 100 Atk / 65 Def / 125 SAtk / 95 SDef / 85 Spd / 555 BST
New 85 HP / 95 Atk / 64 Def / 125 SAtk / 90 SDef / 96 Spd / 555 BST

Magby, Magmar, and Magmortar's abilities have been changed.
Old Flash Fire / Vital Spirit
New Deadeye / Flash Fire

Editing the text of these two NPCs prompted me to re-examine Magmortar, and I found it still didn't
have all that much going for it.
These new stats are somewhat more favorable, and Deadeye gives it a 100% accurate Fire Blast,
Focus Blast, and Magma Storm.

Hax is no fun. Moves with 90% accuracy are kind of pushing the risk/reward thing too far in the 'reward'
direction, meaning that they're usually just 'reward, unless the random number generator hates you'.
95% accuracy moves are even worse. So most 90-95% accuracy moves, barring a few powerful ones,
have had their accuracy set to 100%.

The following moves have had their Accuracy set to 100%:
Gem Flash
Cosmic Void
Vampire Fangs
Icicle Crash
Drill Run
Play Rough
Pin Missile
Razor Leaf
Icy Wind
Fury Cutter
Metal Claw
Crush Claw
Air Cutter
Rock Tomb
Mud Shot
Air Slash
Leech Seed
Rock Throw
Poison Gas
Rock Slide
Triple Kick
Bone Rush
Sky Uppercut
Rock Blast
Hammer Arm
Zen Headbutt
Draco Meteor
Leaf Storm
Charge Beam
Double Hit

Fixed a slight formatting error with Maylene's greeting text.
Maylene's Typhlosion now carries Flamethrower instead of Fire Blast, and a Choice Scarf instead of Choice Specs.

All NPC trainers (except for the player's partners and the school kids in the Trainer's School)have had their items confiscated.
I'm trying to test with no items, but it's just plain unfair if it all comes down to the wire,
and the Gym Leader can just pop a Hyper Potion and win automatically.

Fixed the item prices being different than intended.
Fixed a small oversight where Lucian still mentions being a user of Psychic-type Pokemon outside Solaceon Ruins.

Fantina's team has had its level range restored to 32-33, and likewise for Barry's Hearthome team.
To compensate, Fantina's Pokemon now have less competitive items and moves.

Nerfed the Gentleman Backlot/Commander Saturn battle in the Pokemon Mansion to six Pokemon total, like in
Renegade Platinum. He now has just a Skarmory, Octillery, and Altaria.
Their level range has been restored to 33-34.
Octillery's Life Orb is now an Expert Belt, and Raichu's Life Orb is now a Shell Bell.
Saturn's Skarmory now carries Agility instead of Spikes.
Saturn's Octillery now carries Psybeam and Focus Energy instead of Ice Beam and Charge Beam.
Saturn's Altaria now carries Dragon Breath instead of Dragon Pulse.
Backlot's Raichu now carries Aurora Beam instead of Ice Beam.
Backlot's Espeon now carries Psychic and Power Gem instead of Extrasensory and Shadow Ball.

Fixed an oversight where Gem Flash, Parabolic Charge, and Hurricane did not properly behave
as spread moves in Double Battles.

Fixed a minor oversight where Miror B's dialogue advances automatically
during his greeting dialogue, if you haven't beaten him yet.
Also fixed a minor formatting error with the Champ-to-be guy's dialogue
in the Hearthome Gym.

Fantina's team has been reduced by one level, and some of her Pokemon have received weaker moves.
Barry's Hearthome City team has also had its levels reduced, by two instead of one.

Gardenia's Torkoal now also has Fire Spin instead of Flame Wheel.

Fixed an oversight where Ursaring didn't actually have its
updated stats or Determined as its secondary Ability.

Changed the team of the Team Galactic Grunt in front of their building in Eterna.
Now carries a Ledyba instead of a Ledian(it was overpowered, and it's level 24 even though it evolves at 28)
Now carries a Magnemite instead of an Ariados.(also overpowered)

Pokemon that evolve via happiness now have a starting Happiness of at least 130.
This is because in Generation 4, 220 happiness was required for them to evolve, but it was
changed in Gen 8 to be 160.
Most happiness evolutions were already changed, though, so not many were actually modified.
Pokemon changed:

Zubat, Golbat, Munchlax, Riolu
Base Happiness:
Old 70
New 130

Base Happiness:
Old 140
New 180

Fixed a game-breaking bug in the Hearthome Contest hall where, because of script shenanigans,
Fantina would play part of Miror B's script and would not correctly leave/appear at the Gym,
preventing the player from battling her, and thus progressing.

Tweaked some of the colors for a few shiny replacements.
Spearow/Fearow, Teddiursa/Ursaring: Lightened all the colors, so they're less washed out.
Salamence: Changed the overall shiny colors to dark brownish body, reddish-orange wings.

Toxicroak's abilities have been changed.
Old Dry Skin / Anticipation
New Dry Skin / Instinct

This minor change makes Toxicroak's second ability not completely pointless.
Instinct offers great potential for mixed sweeping in exchange for fewer switch-in
opportunities, due to the lack of Dry Skin.
It does, however, also remove the minor Fire weakness, for what that's worth.

Added an old friend to the Hearthome Contest Hall! It's Wanderer Miror B.!
You can battle him after defeating Cynthia, and his team is equivalent in difficulty
to the Steven fight from later versions of Renegade Platinum.

Corrected an oversight where the pause menu and the docs didn't show the current
version of the hack.

Though new scripts were added, it's still safe to use your existing save file.
Altered Platinum is not, however, compatible with Renegade Platinum saves.

Fixed a few oversights involving Pokemon with incorrect or unchanged evolution methods.

Sinnohan Raichu's stats have changed.
Old 95 HP / 60 Atk / 85 Def / 100 SAtk / 100 SDef / 105 Spd / 545 BST
New 70 HP / 60 Atk / 75 Def / 110 SAtk / 100 SDef / 105 Spd / 520 BST
These nerfs were made to ensure that Raichu doesn't completely overshadow Rotom-Frost,
a Pokemon with similar stats and the same typing.
To compensate a bit, Raichu has received a higher Special Attack stat,
and it remains rather bulky on the Special side.

Fixed a bug where Hoohoot evolved at Level 32 instead of Level 28.
Fixed an oversight where Noctowl didn't learn Shadow Ball at Level 28 as intended.

Mantyke can now also evolve into Mantine via Water Stone.

Rotom's level-up moves have changed.
-37 - Charge
40 - Thunderbolt >> 37 - Thunderbolt
43 - Dark Pulse >> 40 - Dark Pulse
46 - Pain Split >> 43 - Pain Split
49 - Thunder >> 46 - Parabolic Charge
Charge was removed from the level-up set because at 20 level-up moves, PPRE
causes a strange bug where the Pokemon will learn random moves at random levels.
Normally this is not an issue because I don't typically use PPRE, but my usual
Pokemon editor doesn't support multiple forms like Rotom, so a temporary
concession had to be made here to fix the issue.
I don't think people will miss Charge, anyway.

Miscellanous text updates have been made.
A couple more early-game NPCs and objects with inconsequential dialogue have had new dialogue written.
An oversight in the Trainers' School was corrected where it still refers to the Ice type resisting Electric.

Bibarel's stats have changed.
Vanilla 79 HP / 85 Atk / 60 Def / 55 SAtk / 60 SDef / 71 Spd / 410 BST
Old 104 HP / 90 Atk / 85 Def / 55 SAtk / 85 SDef / 71 Spd / 490 BST
New 104 HP / 100 Atk / 90 Def / 55 SAtk / 90 SDef / 71 Spd / 510 BST

Several Pokemon have received new moves inspired by their additions in Pokemon Legends: Arceus.
In PokemonChanges.txt, these are marked with (PLA).

All Eeveelutions, including Eevee itself, are now compatible with TM04, Calm Mind.
Espeon was already compatible.

Gardevoir's level-up moves have changed.
47 - Captivate >> Recover

Gardevoir and Gallade are now compatible with TM13, Ice Beam.

Torterra's level-up moves have changed.
1 - Tackle >> Sleep Powder

Cherubi and Cherrim's level-up moves have changed.
31 - Grass Whistle >> Sleep Powder
34 - Grass Whistle >> Sleep Powder

Toxicroak's level-up moves have changed.
4 - Mud-Slap >> 1 - Earth Power

Finneon and Lumineon are now compatible with TM51, Roost.

Gliscor's level-up moves have changed.
1 - Harden >> Spikes

Sinnohan Scyther and regular Scizor's level-up moves have changed.
37 - Blizzard >> Icicle Spear
49 - Leech Life >> Close Combat
52 - Icicle Spear >> Leech Life
49 - Reversal >> Close Combat
Scizor's level-up learnset now correctly matches the document.

Some text relating to Arceus has been changed.

Corrected Arceus's encounter level, which was 80 like Renegade Platinum, but was supposed to be 100.

Arceus's level-up moves have been overhauled.
1 - Roar of Time
1 - Spacial Rend
1 - Shadow Force
1 - Seismic Toss
1 - Cosmic Power
1 - Punishment
5 - Gravity
10 - Earth Power
15 - Hyper Voice
20 - Extreme Speed
25 - Refresh
30 - Future Sight
35 - Hyper Beam
40 - Perish Song
45 - Outrage
50 - Judgment
100 - Recover
100 - Judgment
100 - Spacial Rend
100 - Shadow Force

These changes were made to ensure Arceus's moveset at Level 100.
Yes, he'll spam Recover. He IS the final boss, after all. Spore is highly recommended!

Froslass's level-up moves have changed.
1 - Leer >> Spikes

Fixed an oversight where I forgot to link to the hack on the player's PC, as mentioned in the intro.

Lightened the darker colors in the following sprites and shinies:
Sinnohan Aron line
Sinnohan Swablu line
Sinnohan Spinarak line

Sinnohan Spinarak and Ariados are now also based on four-spotted orb weavers and joro spiders respectively,
instead of black widows. It fits the setting better, and resulted in a more interesting design.
Functionally, they are the same.

Some minor changes to speed tiers and high-speed Pokemon to balance things out a bit.
These changes were made after noticing that some Pokemon had too much power for their speed tier.
Speed is a very volatile stat- even one point could potentially make a huge difference, so
balancing it is very difficult.

Pidgeot's stats have changed.
Vanilla 83 HP / 80 Atk / 75 Def / 70 SAtk / 70 SDef / 101 Spd / 479 BST
Old 85 HP / 60 Atk / 70 Def / 125 SAtk / 70 SDef / 125 Spd / 535 BST
New 85 HP / 60 Atk / 70 Def / 125 SAtk / 70 SDef / 115 Spd / 525 BST

Venomoth's stats have changed.
Vanilla 70 HP / 65 Atk / 60 Def / 90 SAtk / 75 SDef / 90 Spd / 450 BST
Old 70 HP / 55 Atk / 60 Def / 130 SAtk / 75 SDef / 110 Spd / 500 BST
New 70 HP / 65 Atk / 60 Def / 130 SAtk / 75 SDef / 100 Spd / 500 BST

Pachirisu's stats have changed.
Vanilla 60 HP / 45 Atk / 70 Def / 45 SAtk / 90 SDef / 95 Spd / 405 BST
Old 70 HP / 40 Atk / 70 Def / 125 SAtk / 90 SDef / 125 Spd / 520 BST
New 70 HP / 40 Atk / 70 Def / 125 SAtk / 90 SDef / 115 Spd / 510 BST

Floatzel's stats have changed.
Vanilla 85 HP / 105 Atk / 55 Def / 85 SAtk / 50 SDef / 115 Spd / 495 BST
Old 85 HP / 120 Atk / 60 Def / 100 SAtk / 55 SDef / 125 Spd / 545 BST
New 85 HP / 120 Atk / 60 Def / 100 SAtk / 55 SDef / 120 Spd / 540 BST

Chatot's stats have changed.
Vanilla 76 HP / 65 Atk / 45 Def / 92 SAtk / 42 SDef / 91 Spd / 411 BST
Old 75 HP / 50 Atk / 55 Def / 130 SAtk / 65 SDef / 130 Spd / 515 BST
New 75 HP / 50 Atk / 55 Def / 120 SAtk / 65 SDef / 130 Spd / 505 BST

Sinnohan Beedrill's stats have changed.
Old 65 HP / 115 Atk / 50 Def / 110 SAtk / 65 SDef / 130 Spd / 535 BST
New 65 HP / 115 Atk / 50 Def / 110 SAtk / 65 SDef / 122 Spd / 527 BST

Sinnohan Ariados's stats have changed.
Old 80 HP / 130 Atk / 80 Def / 50 SAtk / 90 SDef / 105 Spd / 535 BST
New 80 HP / 130 Atk / 80 Def / 50 SAtk / 90 SDef / 97 Spd / 527 BST

Sinnohan Manectric's stats have changed.
Old 70 HP / 55 Atk / 70 Def / 130 SAtk / 80 SDef / 120 Spd / 525 BST
New 70 HP / 55 Atk / 70 Def / 130 SAtk / 80 SDef / 112 Spd / 517 BST

Updated more NPC text. There is now lore for why the Sinnohan Budew line exists.

Azumarill's stats have changed.
Vanilla 100 HP / 50 Atk / 80 Def / 60 SAtk / 80 SDef / 50 Spd / 420 BST
Old 110 HP / 50 Atk / 80 Def / 80 SAtk / 80 SDef / 50 Spd / 450 BST
New 100 HP / 50 Atk / 80 Def / 90 SAtk / 80 SDef / 50 Spd / 450 BST

Azumarill is no longer compatible with TM60, Drain Punch.

Delibird is now compatible with TM88, Hurricane. (It was already given Hurricane by level up.)

Shedinja's stats have changed.
Vanilla 1 HP / 90 Atk / 45 Def / 30 SAtk / 30 SDef / 40 Spd / 236 BST
Old 1 HP / 125 Atk / 5 Def / 125 SAtk / 5 SDef / 105 Spd / 366 BST
New 1 HP / 125 Atk / 5 Def / 125 SAtk / 5 SDef / 85 Spd / 346 BST

Gulpin's stats have changed.
Vanilla 70 HP / 43 Atk / 53 Def / 43 SAtk / 53 SDef / 40 Spd / 302 BST
New 120 HP / 35 Atk / 40 Def / 45 SAtk / 40 SDef / 40 Spd / 330 BST

Swalot's stats have changed.
Vanilla 100 HP / 73 Atk / 83 Def / 73 SAtk / 83 SDef / 55 Spd / 467 BST
Old 110 HP / 93 Atk / 83 Def / 93 SAtk / 93 SDef / 55 Spd / 527 BST
New 200 HP / 65 Atk / 70 Def / 85 SAtk / 75 SDef / 25 Spd / 520 BST

Swalot's level-up moves have changed.
1 - Pound >> Recover

With these changes, Swalot becomes a truly durable tank, albeit one without much offensive power.
It's about half as specially bulky as Blissey, but it has a few advantages Blissey does not.
First, Liquid Ooze damages attackers using draining moves by the same amount they would've healed.
This means that, just as these moves heal the user more when used on high-HP targets,
if the target has lots of HP and Liquid Ooze, it will cause more damage.
Secondly, it has resistances, and a somewhat higher Special Attack stat.
Third, it has a respectable Defense stat.

Torkoal's stats have changed.
Vanilla 70 HP / 85 Atk / 140 Def / 85 SAtk / 70 SDef / 20 Spd / 470 BST
Old 90 HP / 100 Atk / 140 Def / 100 SAtk / 80 SDef / 20 Spd / 530 BST
New 80 HP / 95 Atk / 140 Def / 95 SAtk / 80 SDef / 20 Spd / 510 BST

Chimecho's abilities have been changed.
Old Levitate
New Unaware / Natural Cure

Chimecho's stats have changed.
Vanilla 75 HP / 50 Atk / 80 Def / 95 SAtk / 90 SDef / 65 Spd / 455 BST
Old 75 HP / 40 Atk / 80 Def / 110 SAtk / 100 SDef / 65 Spd / 470 BST
New 78 HP / 38 Atk / 88 Def / 88 SAtk / 128 SDef / 128 Spd / 548 BST

Chimecho is now compatible with TM88, Hurricane, HM02, Fly, and HM05, Defog.

Chimecho's type has been changed.
Old Psychic
New Fairy / Flying

Chimecho's level-up moves have changed.
1 - Hyper Voice >> Boomburst
1 - Wrap >> Baton Pass
4 - Growl >> 1 - Tailwind
7 - Astonish >> 1 - Wish
10 - Confusion >> Disarming Voice
16 - Psywave >> Silver Wind
19 - Take Down >> Draining Kiss
22 - Uproar >> Mist
25 - Extrasensory >> Air Cutter
31 - Safeguard >> Cosmic Power
34 - Psychic >> Air Slash
40 - Double-Edge >> Dazzling Gleam
49 - Healing Wish >> Whirlwind

Chingling's stats have changed.
Vanilla 45 HP / 30 Atk / 50 Def / 65 SAtk / 50 SDef / 45 Spd / 285 BST
Old 45 HP / 30 Atk / 50 Def / 80 SAtk / 60 SDef / 45 Spd / 310 BST
New 47 HP / 27 Atk / 57 Def / 57 SAtk / 77 SDef / 77 Spd / 342 BST

Chingling's level-up moves have changed.
1 - Confusion >> Disarming Voice
1 - Wrap >> Wish
10 - Psywave >> Silver Wind
16 - Extrasensory >> Air Cutter
19 - Take Down >> Draining Kiss
22 - Uproar >> Mist

These changes are meant to make Chimecho into a fast, bulky supporter with a wide range of helpful options at its disposal.
It can wall setup with Unaware, or last longer with Natural Cure- and it has an extensive range of status moves.
Toxic, Thunder Wave, Wish, Tailwind, Cosmic Power, Baton Pass, Substitute, Whirlwind, dual screens, and even Silver Wind.
Thematically, the type change was done because Chimecho is based on furin, Japanese wind chimes hung around Shinto shrines
that are said to ward off evil spirits, and protect their owners.
The fact that their base stats now all end in 8(for Chimecho) and 7(for Chingling) is a reference to the fact that both
numbers are considered lucky in Japanese culture.

Luvdisc's stats have changed.
Vanilla 43 HP / 30 Atk / 55 Def / 40 SAtk / 65 SDef / 97 Spd / 330 BST
Old 60 HP / 55 Atk / 75 Def / 105 SAtk / 75 SDef / 130 Spd / 500 BST
New 40 HP / 30 Atk / 110 Def / 105 SAtk / 110 SDef / 100 Spd / 495 BST

Luvdisc is now compatible with TM19, Giga Drain.

Luvdisc's level-up moves have changed.
25 - Flail >> Pain Split

These changes make Luvdisc decently tough, and with such low HP, draining moves will heal it a lot.

Changelog format has been changed to put more recent updates on top.

Overhauled the sprites for the Sinnohan Dratini line. New colors, and new tails.

Also overhauled the sprites for the Sinnohan Paras line.
They have a completely new set of colors, and Parasect has a mushroom shaped like a wizard hat.

Magnezone now has its vanilla base stats again. Abilities and moves remain unchanged.

Adjustment(formerly Download) has been renamed again to Instinct.

Did another look-through of some of the Pokemon and made some changes to buff more underpowered Pokemon.
This pass took a look at some Kanto species, and a few outliers.

- Ability Changes -
Own Tempo renamed to Simple Mind, and given a new description.
"Its clear thoughts prevent confusion."

Deadeye's description slightly edited to refer to senses instead of vision.

- Move Changes -
Changed Rage into a Fighting-type version of Outrage. Exactly the same except for the type.

- Pokemon Changes -

= Level Up Sets (mostly related to Rage) =
38 - Thrash >> Rage
50 - Close Combat >> Reversal

28 - Rage >> Thrash
42 - Thrash >> Rage
58 - Close Combat >> Reversal

6 - Rage >> Mirror Move
36 - Mirror Move >> Rage

6 - Rage >> Mirror Move
38 - Mirror Move >> Rage

16 - Rage >> Screech
31 - Screech >> Rage

16 - Rage >> Screech
31 - Screech >> Rage

16 - Rage >> Bone Rush
28 - Bone Rush >> Rage

16 - Rage >> Bone Rush
29 - Bone Rush >> Rage

16 - Rage >> Endure
22 - Mega Punch >> Slack Off
34 - Endure >> Rage

53 - Hyper Beam >> Rage
+56 - Hyper Beam

8 - Rage >> Roughhouse
35 - Thrash >> Rage

8 - Rage >> Roughhouse
41 - Thrash >> Rage

1 - Low Kick >> Play Rough
1 - Scratch >> Rage
5 - Water Gun >> 1 - Thrash
8 - Rage >> Roughhouse
44 - Thrash >> Rage

22 - Rage >> Payback
34 - Payback >> Rage

22 - Rage >> Payback
38 - Payback >> Rage

39 - Rage >> Tailwind

4 - Rage >> Scary Face
28 - Scary Face >> Rage

4 - Rage >> Scary Face
28 - Scary Face >> Rage

1 - Rage >> Scratch
31 - Scary Face >> Rage

1 - Rage >> Scratch
32 - Scary Face >> Rage

1 - Rage >> Scratch
32 - Scary Face >> Rage

-Sinnohan Dunsparce-
1 - Rage >> Take Down
27 - Take Down >> Rage

Trainer movesets have been tweaked accordingly.

= Other Pokemon Changes =
Mankey and Primeape's abilities have changed.
Vanilla Vital Spirit / Anger Point
Old Hustle / Vital Spirit
New Simple Mind / Hustle

These changes were made to help give Primeape more of a unique place in the game. It is now the only Pokemon in the game with
access to both confusion-free Rage, and confusion-free Outrage.
The fluff reason for this ability is that Primeape is a very simple Pokemon. The only thing on its mind is V I O L E N C E.

Seel and Dewgong's abilities have changed.
Old Thick Fat / Hydration
New Deadeye / Thick Fat

Dewgong's stats have changed.
Vanilla 90 HP / 70 Atk / 80 Def / 70 SAtk / 95 SDef / 70 Spd / 475 BST
Old 90 HP / 70 Atk / 80 Def / 100 SAtk / 95 SDef / 105 Spd / 540 BST
New 80 HP / 105 Atk / 65 Def / 115 SAtk / 75 SDef / 115 Spd / 555 BST

Seel's level up moves have changed.
6 - Water Sport >> Bite
31 - Take Down >> Crunch
38 - Dive >> Earth Power

Dewgong's level up moves have changed.
1 - Headbutt >> Close Combat
31 - Take Down >> Crunch
41 - Dive >> Earth Power

Seel and Dewgong are now compatible with TM41, Hydro Pump, and TM72, Icicle Crash.
Dewgong is now compatible with TM23, Iron Tail, TM26, Earthquake, and TM47, Iron Head.

These changes differentiate it from Lapras and Walrein by turning it into a fast mixed attacker, with moderate bulk.
Deadeye was granted to it as seals/sea lions have great vision and senses underwater. This isn't super unusual
for a predator, but still. They needed something that the other two Water/Ice lines didn't have.
This grants it a lot of versatility as an attacker, able to use 100% accurate Blizzards and Hydro Pumps.

Seaking's abilities and stats have changed.
Ability :
Old Swift Swim / Water Veil
New Strong Body / Water Veil

Base Stats :
Vanilla 80 HP / 92 Atk / 65 Def / 65 SAtk / 80 SDef / 68 Spd / 450 BST
Old 100 HP / 122 Atk / 80 Def / 45 SAtk / 80 SDef / 78 Spd / 505 BST
New 100 HP / 132 Atk / 80 Def / 45 SAtk / 80 SDef / 88 Spd / 525 BST

Seaking's level up moves have changed.
1 - Tail Whip >> Outrage
-1 - Peck
+33 - Dragon Dance
43 - Bounce >> Meteor Dive
51 - Hydro Pump >> Dragon Rush

Seaking is now compatible with TM26, Earthquake, TM80, Rock Slide, TM89, U-Turn, HM01, Cut, HM04, Strength, and HM06, Rock Smash.

These changes make Seaking a formidable Dragon Dance user, while also offering something unique among mono Water types- Flying, Rock and Ground coverage.
Yes, this is sort of a reference to THAT forced meme from ages ago. Do not incur the wrath of the almighty Seaking, lest you face its natural disasters.

Omanyte and Omastar's abilities have changed.
Vanilla Swift Swim / Shell Armor
Old Solid Rock / Shell Armor
New Technician / Solid Rock

Omastar's stats have changed.
Vanilla 70 HP / 60 Atk / 125 Def / 115 SAtk / 70 SDef / 55 Spd / 495 BST
Old 80 HP / 60 Atk / 125 Def / 115 SAtk / 90 SDef / 55 Spd / 525 BST
New 80 HP / 50 Atk / 125 Def / 125 SAtk / 90 SDef / 55 Spd / 525 BST

With this simple change, Gem Flash, a Rock-type version of Charge Beam, has 75 Base Power under Technician.
This gives it one of the best boosting combos in the game, sort of approximating Shell Smash in later generations.
It also works with Ancient Power, which is useful but much less reliable.

Granbull is now compatible with TM60, Drain Punch.

Ursaring's abilities and stats have changed.
Ability :
Old Guts / Quick Feet
New Guts / Determined

Base Stats :
Vanilla 90 HP / 130 Atk / 75 Def / 75 SAtk / 75 SDef / 55 Spd / 500 BST
Old 100 HP / 130 Atk / 85 Def / 60 SAtk / 75 SDef / 55 Spd / 505 BST
New 130 HP / 140 Atk / 105 Def / 45 SAtk / 80 SDef / 50 Spd / 550 BST

Base stats now match Ursaluna, its evolution from Pokemon Legends: Arceus. All other aspects are the same.

Sinnohan Rapidash's stats have changed.
Base Stats :
Old 90 HP / 50 Atk / 75 Def / 120 SAtk / 90 SDef / 110 Spd / 535 BST
New 90 HP / 50 Atk / 75 Def / 130 SAtk / 85 SDef / 110 Spd / 540 BST

As it was, I'm not sure it had enough to make it not just a squishier, slightly more dangerous Milotic.
Let me know what you think of this change!

- Misc Changes -
Fixed an oversight where the Champ-to-be guy didn't offer unique advice for Volkner.
By the way, yeah, he has special advice for the overhauled Gym Leaders!

Changed Sinnohan Rapidash's sprites to replace its dorsal fins with ones more similar to Sinnohan Ponyta's.

Removed the Ice Type's resistance to Electric.
This was done since it has been pointed out to me that Ice becomes the second best defensive type in the game with my changes,
and I didn't want to go quite THAT hard.
This change allows BoltBeam to still work as well as it did before, but it doesn't hurt too many underpowered Ice combos, except for Water/Ice.
Those Pokemon should still be fine though, even with this change.

First release.

Pokémon Altered Platinum - Sinnohan Forms, Increased Difficulty, and more! (2025)
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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.