Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (2024)

Last updated on May 07, 2023 at 12:00by Sellin4 comments

The Beasts of Northrend is the first boss of the five boss encounters in the Trial of the Crusader raid inWrath of the Lich King Classic. This encounter is made up of 3 mini-bosses. Do not forget to be aware of thevarious Raid Buffs and Debuffs as you work to optimize your Raid Composition for thisencounter's mechanics!


Overview of The Beasts of Northrend encounter in Wrath of the Lich King Classic's Trial of the Crusader

The Beasts of Northrend is the first boss you will encounter in the Trial of the Crusaderraid instance. This encounter features three different bosses all of which have uniqueabilities and specific ways they should be handled.


Role-Specific Tips for Beasts of Northrend


DPS Tips

  • You will want to stay loosely spread around all three of the boss encountersto mitigate fire damage during Gormok, which avoids any unnecessary damage from Burning Bilewhile trying to clear Paralytic Toxin and avoids too many raid members being hit withIcehowl's Arctic Breath.
  • If you see a Snowbold Vassal Kill it!


Healer Tips

  • You will want to stay loosely spread around all three of the boss encountersto mitigate fire damage during Gormok, to avoid any unnecessary damage from Burning Bilewhile trying to clear Paralytic Toxin and to avoid too many raid members being hit withIcehowl's Arctic Breath.
  • Consider using abilities such as Paladin's Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (1)Hand of Protection to clear Gormok'sImpale stacks off your tank if the damage is becoming too much.


Tank Tips

  • Consider using abilities such as Paladin's Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (2)Hand of Protection to clear Gormok'sImpalestacks off your tank if the damage is becoming too much.
  • Make sure it is clear which tank will take which boss when Dreadscale and Acidmaw are activeand ensure they are not facing the raid at any time.
  • Have a clear path at all times for the tank with Burning Bile to be able to cleansethose in the raid with Paralytic Toxin before they get stunned.


Gormok the Impaler

  • Impale — Gormok will apply a bleed to his current aggro target, this debuffstacks.
  • Staggering Stomp — Gormok will occasionally stomp dealing physical damage and interruptingany spell casting, this ability only has a 15 yard range and can be avoided by being at max casting range.
  • Rising Anger — Each time Gormok throws one of his Snowbold Vassalls he willa 15% damage increase, stacking infinitely, or until he runs out of snowbolds.
  • Gormok will occasionally throw a Snowbold Vassal from his back onto a randomplayer in the raid, they will interrupt the target they are fixated on upon any non-instantspell casting and occasionally stun them for 2 seconds.


Acidmaw and Dreadscale



  • Acidic Spew — Acidmaw channels a cone of nature damage to anyone infront of him for 2.5 seconds.This ability is only use when Acidmaw is mobile.
  • Paralytic Bite — bites his current aggro target dealing massive nature damage and injecting them with Paralytic Toxin.This ability is only use when Acidmaw is mobile.
  • Slime Pool — Acidmaw will occasionally spawn a pool of slime beneath him dealing massive Nature damage to anyone standing in it.This ability is only use when Acidmaw is mobile.
  • Sweep — Acidmaw will occasionally knock players within 15 yards away. This ability is only use when Acidmaw is stationary.
  • Paralytic Spray — Acidmaw will choose a random target in the raid and deal nature damage to them and apply Paralytic Toxinto that target and anyone within 10 yards of the target.
  • Acid Spit — Acidmaw will deal Nature damage to a random target in the raid.



  • Molten Spew — Dreadscale channels a cone of Fire damage to anyone in front of him for 2.5 seconds.This ability is only use when Dreadscale is mobile.
  • Burning Bite — bites his current aggro target dealing massive Fire damage and afflicts them with Burning Bile.This ability is only use when Dreadscale is mobile.
  • Slime Pool — Dreadscale will occasionally spawn a pool of slime beneath him dealing massive Nature damage to anyone standing in it.This ability is only use when Dreadscale is mobile.
  • Sweep — Dreadscale will occasionally knock players within 15 yards away. This ability is only use when Dreadscale is stationary.
  • Burning Spray — Dreadscale will choose a random target in the raid and deal Fire damage to them and apply Burning Bileto that target and anyone within 10 yards of the target.
  • Fire Spit — Dreadscale will deal Fire damage to a random target in the raid.



  • Ferocious Butt — Icehowl will occasionally headbutt his target dealing massive physical damageand stunning for target for 3 seconds.
  • Arctic Breath — Icehowl will occasionally target a random member of the raid and breathe onthem dealing massive frost damage and stunning them and anyone near them.
  • Whirl — Icehowl will occasionally knock players within 15 yards away.
  • Massive Crash — Icehowl will jump to the center of the arena knocking all players backagainst the walls of the coliseum. He will choose a random target and rush toward the original locationof his target.


Strategy for Beasts of Northrend

This encounter will require two tanks, the amount of healers you choose to bring will dependentirely on your raids familiarity with the mechanics to mitigate damage taken, typically thethe more DPS you can bring the better as the quicker the boss dies there are less mechanics tohandle. Anywhere from 3-5 healers will work depending on your raid team. Bloodlust and Heroismcan be used on the boss you believe your raid is struggling with the most, this often timeswill be Dreadscale and Acidmaw as there is the most going on during this portion of the encounter.


Gormok the Impaler

Gormok is a relatively simple encounter that will require your tanks to occasionally swapaggro due to his Impale debuff. Tanks should taunt at two stacks or have the bleedremoved via a Paladins Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (3)Hand of Protection or if the tank themselves is a Paladin Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (4)Divine Shield.The raid should be evenly spread in a semi circle around Gormok as you can tank him where he spawns.Make sure to stay away from other player to mitigate damage from the Firebombs the Snowbold Vassalswill be throwing. Snowbolds will occasionally be thrown onto raid members by Gormok and can be ignoreddepending on who they get attached to, if attached to a healer or a spell caster they must be killed, if amelee dps they can be ignored until the transition. It is important to kill Gormok as quickly as possibleto limit his Rising Anger stacks which he gains each time he throws a Snowbold.


Acidmaw and Dreadscale

Each tank should pick up one of these two bosses and ensure they are facing away from the raid at alltimes without pointing the bosses at each other. The bosses will take turns being either stationary or mobile, whichwill also effect which moves each boss is capable of using.

While Acidmaw is mobile he will be applying Paralytic Toxinon his aggro target via Paralytic Bite. This debuff must be cleaned by the member of the raid afflicted byBurning Bile which will be applied to a random member of the raid thanks to Dreadscale's Burning Sprayability. This reverses when the mobs alternate between being stationary and mobile, Burning Bile will be appliedto the tank via Burning Bite and a random member of the raid will be slowed and eventually stunned if not cleansedof Paralytic Toxin which gets applied by Paralytic Spray. To remove the Paralytic Toxin debuffthe player with Burning Bile must simply run into them and it will be dispelled. Otherwise this is an extremely simpleportion of the encounter where all you have to do is heal through spot damage caused by either boss, avoid the puddles left bySlime Pool.

The raid should focus on killing Acidmaw and I would recommend using Heroism/Bloodlust here to get him downas quickly as possible. Keep in mind Dreadscale enrages when Acidmaw dies so try to deal as much damage to Dreadscale as possiblewhile still focusing on getting Acidmaw down as quickly as possible.



Icehowl is another very simple boss, tanks should swap when Ferocious Butt is cast to avoid Icehowl hitting a stunnedtarget. The raid should spread in a circle surrounding the boss to mitigate the effects of Arctic Breath. The only othermechanic to deal with is avoiding being killed by Icehowl's Massive Crash ability by moving away from the targetted area.Rinse and repeat until the boss is dead.


Heroic Changes

There are no new abilities on the Heroic version of this encounter. Instead, the bosses will now have substantially morehealth, deal considerably more damage, and now spawn on a set timerinstead of when you defeat the previous one. Gormok remains the first boss that spawns when the encounter begins.150 seconds into the fight Dreadscale and Acidmaw will appear and 350 seconds into the encounter Icehowl will join, so itis crucial you are doing everything possible to maximize your groups DPS.


Beasts of Northrend Loot


Alliance 10-Player

Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (5) Shoulderguards of the Spirit WalkerMail Shoulders
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (6) Armbands of the Northern StalkerMail Bracers
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (7) Collar of Ceaseless TormentNeck
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (8) Icehowl CinchCloth Belt
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (9) Acidmaw BootsLeather Boots
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (10) Belt of the Frozen ReachPlate Belt
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (11) Carnivorous BandRing
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (12) Girdle of the ImpalerPlate Belt
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (13) Gauntlets of Rising AngerPlate Gloves
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (14) Shoulderpads of the Glacial WildsLeather Shoulders
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (15) Dreadscale ArmguardsPlate Bracers
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (16) Rod of Imprisoned SoulsWand


Horde 10-Player

Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (17) Belt of the ImpalerPlate Belt
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (18) Acidmaw TreadsLeather Boots
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (19) Collar of Unending TormentNeck
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (20) Dreadscale BracersPlate Bracers
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (21) Gormok's BandRing
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (22) Pauldrons of the Glacial WildsLeather Shoulders
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (23) Pauldrons of the Spirit WalkerMail Shoulders
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (24) Girdle of the Frozen ReachPlate Belt
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (25) Gauntlets of Mounting AngerPlate Gloves
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (26) Bracers of the Northern StalkerMail Bracers
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (27) Icehowl BindingCloth Belt
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (28) Scepter of Imprisoned SoulsWand


Alliance 25-Player

Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (29) Band of the Violent TempermentRing
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (30) Belt of the Ice BurrowerMail Belt
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (31) Blade of TarasqueDagger
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (32) Boneshatter ArmplatesPlate Bracers
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (33) Boots of the CourageousPlate Boots
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (34) Boots of the Unrelenting StormLeather Boots
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (35) Breastplate of Cruel IntentMail Chest
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (36) Chestplate of the Towering MonstrosityPlate Chest
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (37) Cord of the Tenebrous MistCloth Belt
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (38) Crystal Plated VanguardShield
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (39) Drape of the Untamed PredatorCloak
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (40) Flowing Vestments of AscentCloth Chest
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (41) Leggings of the Broken BeastLeather Legs
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (42) Shawl of the Refreshing WindsCloak
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (43) Steel BladebreakerDagger


Horde 25-Player

Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (44) Ring of the Violent TemperamentRing
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (45) Binding of the Ice BurrowerMail Belt
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (46) Barb of TarasqueDagger
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (47) Boneshatter VambracesPlate Bracers
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (48) Sabatons of the CourageousPlate Boots
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (49) Boots of the Harsh WinterLeather Boots
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (50) Cuirass of Cruel IntentMail Chest
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (51) Hauberk of the Towering MonstrosityPlate Chest
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (52) Belt of the Tenebrous MistCloth Belt
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (53) Forlorn BarrierShield
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (54) Cloak of the Untamed PredatorCloak
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (55) Flowing Robes of AscentCloth Chest
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (56) Legwraps of the Broken BeastLeather Legs
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (57) Drape of the Refreshing WindsCloak
Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (58) Stygian BladebreakerDagger


Further Reading

Beasts of Northrend is one of five encounters present in the Trial of the Crusaderraid of Wrath of the Lich King Classic. If you would like to learn more about the others, or would like to see theloot tables of every boss at the same time, please see our other pages for the raidbelow.

Trial of the Crusader Wrath of the Lich King Classic Raid OverviewTrial of the Crusader Wrath of the Lich King Classic Loot Guide



  • 07 May 2023: Page added.

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Beasts of Northrend Raid Guide (2024)
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