Alex Kingston First Kiss (2025)

1. WATCH: Alex Kingston Discusses Kissing The Doctor on 'The Graham ...

  • May 31, 2011 · "He's just coming into his sexuality after 900 years." And there's an anecdote about on-stage kissing which brings tears to the eye. http://www.

  • Alex Kingston appeared on The Graham Norton Show — alongside Rob Lowe, as well as Bradley Cooper and Ed Helms from The Hangover II — ostensi

2. Doctor Who Highlights 3 Weird Kisses That Raise Some Questions

  • Dec 27, 2022 · ... first time, and River Song (Alex Kingston) kissing the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) for the first time. Link to play video. ▷. So the Tenth ...

  • Why are these three Doctor Who kisses "weird"? Did a BBC technician's 13-year-old son get to the keyboard while dad was at the office party?

3. Alex Kingston - Tardis | Fandom

  • Alexandra Elizabeth "Alex" Kingston (born 11 March 1963[1]) played River Song in Doctor Who, beginning with Silence in the Library in series 4.

  • Alexandra Elizabeth "Alex" Kingston (born 11 March 1963[1]) played River Song in Doctor Who, beginning with Silence in the Library in series 4. In 2015, she also first appeared in her own range of audio plays, The Diary of River Song, as well as the Doom Coalition, Ravenous and UNIT: The New Series audio series and the audio anthologies The Eighth of March and The Legacy of Time. Trained as an actress at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, Kingston is best known internationally for her role as D

4. Alex Kingston discusses River Song's flirty “kiss...

5. Doctor Who - Keeley Hawes & Alex Kingston

  • 'Then you may kiss the bride!' 'Ill make it a good one!' 'You better!' **. River Song first appears in the Doctor Who 2008 series two-parter "Silence in the ...

  • Alex Kingston joined Doctor Who as the mysterious River Song in the two-part episode Silence In The Library/Forest Of The Dead during the fo...

6. Alex Kingston Wants To Return To 'Doctor Who' Just To Snog The New ...

  • Kingston first appeared on the long-running show back in 2008 in the episode ... "I think River would just take her in her arms and give her a big kiss.

  • The first female Doctor will be pleased?

7. Alex Kingston on 15 Years of River Song | Doctor Who

  • May 25, 2023 · Professor XXX – in her first major interview with DWM for many years, Alex Kingston remembers her time as River Song, the Doctor's wife. Express ...

  • Actor Alex Kingston remembers her time on Doctor Who as the Doctor's enigmatic time-travelling wife in the latest issue of Doctor Who magazine.

8. Alex Kingston wants to return to Doctor Who for romance with Jodie ...

9. Doctor Who's Alex Kingston on hiding River Song's biggest spoiler

  • Sep 26, 2023 · River Song is unlike any other Doctor Who character, first introduced in 2008's Silence in the Library and spanning multiple eras in one of the ...

  • "I'm very good at keeping secrets."

10. Alex Kingston Films and Shows - Apple TV

  • 2008 saw her first appearance as the bewitching River Song in the reboot of sci-fi action adventure "Doctor Who" (BBC 1963-1989, 2005-). A regular guest star ...

  • Learn about Alex Kingston on Apple TV. Browse shows and movies that include Alex Kingston, such as ER, A Discovery of Witches and more.

11. 'Doctor Who' star Alex Kingston on kissing a female Doctor - CultBox

  • Jun 6, 2013 · ... Kingston joked: “I don't think I could kiss her though… well, there's always a first time, isn't there!” The BBC announced at the weekend ...

  • Doctor Who star Alex Kingston has discussed the possibility of the next Doctor being female.

12. Doctor Who Christmas special: The Time Lord wants to kiss River Song

  • Nov 13, 2015 · This year's Yuletide episode will see Alex Kingston reprising her role as the enigmatic River, who has not been in the science fiction drama ...

  • ROMANCE could be in the air for the Time Lord in the Doctor Who Christmas special this year, Peter Capaldi has hinted.

13. David Tennant and Alex Kingston - together again! - News - Big Finish

  • Jun 24, 2020 · David Tennant and Alex Kingston are back as the Tenth Doctor and River Song, together again for the first time in 12 years in a brand-new Doctor Who audio ...

  • Award-winning, full-cast original audio dramas from the worlds of Doctor Who, Torchwood, Blake's 7, Class, Dark Shadows, The Avengers, Survivors, The Omega Factor, Star Cops, Sherlock Holmes, Dorian Gray, Pathfinder Legends, The Prisoner, Adam Adamant Lives, Space 1999, Timeslip, Terrahawks, Space Precinct, Thunderbirds, Stingray, Robin Hood, Dark Season, UFO, Stargate

14. Doctor Who: A Peek Into Matt Smith's Mind -

  • Apr 22, 2016 · I first observed that Smith seems to like things at least a bit rough. "Fan: What was your favorite River Song scene to shoot with Alex Kingston ...

  • At Wizard World St. Louis 2016, Matt Smith of Doctor Who revealed some interesting personal preferences during the Q&A session.

Alex Kingston First Kiss (2025)
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